Hello, I'm Brandon, also known as Roon or RoonZilla. I don't play many games and I'm no longer here for hacks, I'm here for mods/help/being civil.
I've been on MPGH for a little while, and I have observed the community... growing, arguing, justice. This thread is going to be a little 'all over the place' as I'm not fantastic when it comes to introducing myself, I blame aspergers syndrome for that one.
Although I love life, there are many disadvantages I have. For starts, my eyes... they're not very... working, because one is blind and the other is colourblind and has Photokeratitis. This is the way I was born, and with my disadvantages I have advantages, for example me and brother were having a little test with my eyes. It seemed to us that I can focus a further distance than him. For example, if you looked outside at a advertisement that's quite far away, to read it properly you may have to squint... well I would be able to see a little further than you without squinting
Anyway, this has been a thread about my eyes and my name, hope you laughed aha.