Hey I want to trade my Epko account for any mosin account. I don't care what the rank is but it must have mosin. My account has these guns: Desmodus, Mjollnir, Para(AP), TPG-1 EPKO, Anaconda, and Prisinors food tray(permenant). It is 2nd LT 1st class. 1500 win/ 1300 loss. Never hacked on acc. Caps won legitly and it has no Euro guns. Offer me anything that has AP guns in it. I am really looking for something with a lot of AP cap pistols or just a mosin.(it can be other AP cap guns too, just tell me what you have)
Leave a Skype name and I'll add you. I can do screen share on Skype. You go first or a Middleman required for a trade.
