Hi guys today I'd like to offer you League of Legends account on EUW lvl 30.
Account have 90 Champs and missing only :
Zac , Quinn , Tresh , Nami , Zed , Elise , Kha'zix , Syndra , Rengar , Jayce , Draven , Darius , Varus , Hecarim , Fiora , Nautilus , Viktor , Fizz , Skarner , Swain , Galio

It has plenty of skins:
nurse akali
piltover blitz
vandal brand
sheriff caitlyn
frosted ez
dreadknight garen
gragas esq
darkforge j4
commando j4
dragon slayer j4
pre void kassadin
mercenery katarina
wicked leblanc
traditional karma
traditional lee
valkyrie leona
french maid nidalee
glacial olaf
forskaen olaf
chaos oriana
perseus pantheon
outback renekton
surfer singed
dragonslayer vayne
vindicator vayne
aristocrat vayne
neon strike vi
imperial Xin zhao
Pentakill yorick
Undertaker yorick
It has 9 rune pages
It's Bronze account and S2 it was bronze aswell.Because of the skins and Champions I'd to get PSC 30 Euro code or Starcraft2 HotS Key
Contact me on skype for more info : Leanche1
I can go first so you can check that everything is cool .