Currently have 140 Million Gold

$16 - 100 Mil

Accounts (These are all clean accounts nothing special no titles or anything just leveled to 70)

These are Lanns, Evie, Fiona, Karuk

Lvl 70 - 6 Level 70 Accounts
Lvl 69 - 2 Level 69 Accounts
Lvl 68 - 3 Level 68 Accounts
Lvl 61 - 1 Level 61 Account
Lvl 60 - 1 Level 60 Account
Lvl 56 - 1 Level 56 Account

Offer on any of these accounts below. You will get full information including the Email address used to create these accounts.

I just made this account to sell my stuff on this website. I do not have any vouches.
I will go first if you are a respected member of this community by your vouches and rep.

Leave your name below and offer.