So, I just came back from holidays at Fiji. It was great and everything, now we are home I just wanted to go to school and get on with life. But my parents suspiciously kept me home from school the following week after returning from Fiji. I thought nothing of it till this morning.
I woke up as I normally do and I walk into the kitchen as my mother casually said "Oh hey Brodie, we are going for an interview at your new school today"....
I didn't even reply.
Do people realize how fucking hard it is to fit in with a bunch of judgmental fucking teenagers?
I'm in one of my most important years of schooling and now I'm changing schools mid semester ?
I'm just sick to death of fucking teenagers. Seriously, they want me to try and fit in with a group of egotistical 16 year olds. What is going through their heads?
Then I have to deal with possibly never seeing my friends again because of the distance between us. Got bullied through primary school and never fit in. Now i get to high school, i finally fit in and i have to go and start all over again?

/rant over.