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  1. #1
    Wreckless187's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Angry War Thunder Hack (Fake?)

    I am new to Multiplayer Game Hacks, and I would like to know if "CracksDB" is a fake war thunder hack. Virus total says 1/47. Just a tad courious.
    I'm not sure if I can share links or not, please let me know. I am not sure if I can post links I think other members got in trouble. Google "Cracksdb war thunder aimbot" and it will pop up.

  2. #2
    Defender2010's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    My Mood
    Send me a link to the download and i will do some scans/tests on it.
    Don't put the link in a post, just PM me the link.
    I will post back with the results

    EDIT: Nevermind, got the file.
    Checking it now

    The file appears to be safe.No guarantees

    I suggest you be careful with it, also once you launch the program it comes up with a screen asking for a code, and to do that you need to go through a sur vey, i think its full of shit, but you can try it.

    The program says you need a "unique" code for every person, but thats also a lie, since every time you click the download code button, it leads to the same link.So im assuming if you get the code once, you can use it for everyone else.
    Overall, the program is suspicous and looks fake.Even if the file is legit, it could be a fake or a troll.

    The Program Icon of a Command prompt is stupid and suspicious too.

    Edit #2:

    Decompiling the .exe right now.

    Imports System
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Namespace WarThunder
    	Public Class Form1
    		Inherits Form
    		Private ActivationWindow As Form2
    		Private togMove As Integer
    		Private Mvalx As Integer
    		Private Mvaly As Integer
    		Private components As IContainer = Nothing
    		Private panel2 As Panel
    		Private label7 As Label
    		Private label6 As Label
    		Private label5 As Label
    		Private label4 As Label
    		Private label3 As Label
    		Private label2 As Label
    		Private panel1 As Panel
    		Private pictureBox2 As PictureBox
    		Private pictureBox3 As PictureBox
    		Private pictureBox1 As PictureBox
    		Private label1 As Label
    		Public Sub New(obj As Form2)
    			Me.ActivationWindow = obj
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub pictureBox3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			MyBase.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub pictureBox2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.togMove = 1
    			Me.Mvalx = e.X
    			Me.Mvaly = e.Y
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			If Me.togMove = 1 Then
    				MyBase.SetDesktopLocation(Control.MousePosition.X - Me.Mvalx, Control.MousePosition.Y - Me.Mvaly)
    			End If
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.togMove = 0
    		End Sub
    		Protected Override Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    			If disposing AndAlso Me.components IsNot Nothing Then
    			End If
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub InitializeComponent()
    			Dim componentResourceManager As ComponentResourceManager = New ComponentResourceManager(GetType(Form1))
    			Me.panel2 = New Panel()
    			Me.label7 = New Label()
    			Me.label6 = New Label()
    			Me.label5 = New Label()
    			Me.label4 = New Label()
    			Me.label3 = New Label()
    			Me.label2 = New Label()
    			Me.panel1 = New Panel()
    			Me.pictureBox2 = New PictureBox()
    			Me.pictureBox3 = New PictureBox()
    			Me.pictureBox1 = New PictureBox()
    			Me.label1 = New Label()
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox2, ISupportInitialize)).BeginInit()
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox3, ISupportInitialize)).BeginInit()
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox1, ISupportInitialize)).BeginInit()
    			Me.panel2.BackColor = Color.DarkGray
    			Me.panel2.ForeColor = SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText
    			Me.panel2.Location = New Point(3, 31)
    			Me.panel2.Name = "panel2"
    			Me.panel2.Size = New Size(540, 228)
    			Me.panel2.TabIndex = 9
    			Me.label7.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label7.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label7.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label7.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label7.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label7.Location = New Point(9, 134)
    			Me.label7.Name = "label7"
    			Me.label7.Size = New Size(106, 14)
    			Me.label7.TabIndex = 11
    			Me.label7.Text = "Version 1.0"
    			Me.label6.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label6.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label6.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label6.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label6.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label6.Location = New Point(10, 113)
    			Me.label6.Name = "label6"
    			Me.label6.Size = New Size(133, 14)
    			Me.label6.TabIndex = 10
    			Me.label6.Text = "Coded by K0nan"
    			Me.label5.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label5.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label5.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label5.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label5.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label5.Location = New Point(10, 76)
    			Me.label5.Name = "label5"
    			Me.label5.Size = New Size(187, 14)
    			Me.label5.TabIndex = 9
    			Me.label5.Text = "4. PWN ALL ! ENJOY !"
    			Me.label4.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label4.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label4.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label4.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label4.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label4.Location = New Point(9, 55)
    			Me.label4.Name = "label4"
    			Me.label4.Size = New Size(412, 14)
    			Me.label4.TabIndex = 8
    			Me.label4.Text = "3. Navigate menu options with keyboard arrows"
    			Me.label3.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label3.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label3.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label3.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label3.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label3.Location = New Point(10, 34)
    			Me.label3.Name = "label3"
    			Me.label3.Size = New Size(322, 14)
    			Me.label3.TabIndex = 7
    			Me.label3.Text = "2. Press HOME button for cheat menu"
    			Me.label2.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label2.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label2.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label2.Font = New Font("Lucida Console", 10F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label2.ForeColor = Color.Black
    			Me.label2.Location = New Point(10, 13)
    			Me.label2.Name = "label2"
    			Me.label2.Size = New Size(169, 14)
    			Me.label2.TabIndex = 6
    			Me.label2.Text = "1. Run War Thunder"
    			Me.panel1.BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue
    			Me.panel1.Location = New Point(3, 4)
    			Me.panel1.Name = "panel1"
    			Me.panel1.Size = New Size(540, 24)
    			Me.panel1.TabIndex = 8
    			Me.panel1.MouseMove += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseMove)
    			Me.panel1.MouseDown += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseDown)
    			Me.panel1.MouseUp += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseUp)
    			Me.pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.pictureBox2.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center
    			Me.pictureBox2.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
    			Me.pictureBox2.Image = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("pictureBox2.Image"), Image)
    			Me.pictureBox2.Location = New Point(522, 7)
    			Me.pictureBox2.Name = "pictureBox2"
    			Me.pictureBox2.Padding = New Padding(0, 2, 0, 0)
    			Me.pictureBox2.Size = New Size(10, 11)
    			Me.pictureBox2.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
    			Me.pictureBox2.TabIndex = 4
    			Me.pictureBox2.TabStop = False
    			Me.pictureBox2.Click += New EventHandler(Me.pictureBox2_Click)
    			Me.pictureBox3.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
    			Me.pictureBox3.Image = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("pictureBox3.Image"), Image)
    			Me.pictureBox3.Location = New Point(509, 9)
    			Me.pictureBox3.Name = "pictureBox3"
    			Me.pictureBox3.Size = New Size(7, 9)
    			Me.pictureBox3.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
    			Me.pictureBox3.TabIndex = 3
    			Me.pictureBox3.TabStop = False
    			Me.pictureBox3.Click += New EventHandler(Me.pictureBox3_Click)
    			Me.pictureBox1.Image = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("pictureBox1.Image"), Image)
    			Me.pictureBox1.Location = New Point(12, 5)
    			Me.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"
    			Me.pictureBox1.Size = New Size(16, 16)
    			Me.pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
    			Me.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 1
    			Me.pictureBox1.TabStop = False
    			Me.label1.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label1.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.label1.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label1.Location = New Point(30, 7)
    			Me.label1.Name = "label1"
    			Me.label1.Size = New Size(204, 13)
    			Me.label1.TabIndex = 0
    			Me.label1.Text = "Localhost:\War Thunder Hack.exe"
    			MyBase.AutoScaleDimensions = New SizeF(6F, 13F)
    			MyBase.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font
    			MyBase.ClientSize = New Size(547, 262)
    			MyBase.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
    			MyBase.Icon = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("$this.Icon"), Icon)
    			MyBase.Name = "Form1"
    			MyBase.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
    			Me.Text = "War Thunder Hack"
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox2, ISupportInitialize)).EndInit()
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox3, ISupportInitialize)).EndInit()
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox1, ISupportInitialize)).EndInit()
    		End Sub
    	End Class
    End Namespace
    Imports System
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Imports System.Diagnostics
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Namespace WarThunder
    	Public Class Form2
    		Inherits Form
    		Private components As IContainer = Nothing
    		Private panel1 As Panel
    		Private pictureBox1 As PictureBox
    		Private button1 As Button
    		Private label3 As Label
    		Private panel3 As Panel
    		Private code As TextBox
    		Private status As Label
    		Private panel2 As Panel
    		Private label1 As Label
    		Private timer1 As Timer
    		Private timer2 As Timer
    		Private togMove As Integer
    		Private Mvalx As Integer
    		Private Mvaly As Integer
    		Protected Override Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
    			If disposing AndAlso Me.components IsNot Nothing Then
    			End If
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub InitializeComponent()
    			Me.components = New Container()
    			Dim componentResourceManager As ComponentResourceManager = New ComponentResourceManager(GetType(Form2))
    			Me.panel1 = New Panel()
    			Me.pictureBox1 = New PictureBox()
    			Me.button1 = New Button()
    			Me.label3 = New Label()
    			Me.panel3 = New Panel()
    			Me.code = New TextBox()
    			Me.status = New Label()
    			Me.panel2 = New Panel()
    			Me.label1 = New Label()
    			Me.timer1 = New Timer(Me.components)
    			Me.timer2 = New Timer(Me.components)
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox1, ISupportInitialize)).BeginInit()
    			Me.panel1.BackgroundImage = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("panel1.BackgroundImage"), Image)
    			Me.panel1.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.panel1.Location = New Point(0, 0)
    			Me.panel1.Name = "panel1"
    			Me.panel1.Size = New Size(421, 348)
    			Me.panel1.TabIndex = 5
    			Me.panel1.MouseMove += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseMove)
    			Me.panel1.MouseDown += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseDown)
    			Me.panel1.MouseUp += New MouseEventHandler(Me.panel1_MouseUp)
    			Me.pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.pictureBox1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
    			Me.pictureBox1.Image = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("pictureBox1.Image"), Image)
    			Me.pictureBox1.Location = New Point(399, 12)
    			Me.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"
    			Me.pictureBox1.Size = New Size(10, 9)
    			Me.pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize
    			Me.pictureBox1.TabIndex = 10
    			Me.pictureBox1.TabStop = False
    			Me.pictureBox1.Click += New EventHandler(Me.pictureBox1_Click)
    			Me.button1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.button1.BackgroundImage = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("button1.BackgroundImage"), Image)
    			Me.button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
    			Me.button1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
    			Me.button1.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0
    			Me.button1.FlatAppearance.MouseDownBackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.button1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.button1.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat
    			Me.button1.Font = New Font("Lucida Sans Unicode", 9F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.button1.ForeColor = SystemColors.ButtonFace
    			Me.button1.Location = New Point(248, 226)
    			Me.button1.Name = "button1"
    			Me.button1.Size = New Size(50, 35)
    			Me.button1.TabIndex = 5
    			Me.button1.Text = "OK"
    			Me.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
    			Me.button1.Click += New EventHandler(Me.button1_Click)
    			Me.button1.MouseDown += New MouseEventHandler(Me.button1_MouseDown)
    			Me.button1.MouseUp += New MouseEventHandler(Me.button1_MouseUp)
    			Me.label3.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label3.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label3.ForeColor = SystemColors.ButtonHighlight
    			Me.label3.Location = New Point(35, 274)
    			Me.label3.Name = "label3"
    			Me.label3.Size = New Size(357, 30)
    			Me.label3.TabIndex = 4
    			Me.label3.Text = "Once you've correctly entered your code you can access the program."
    			Me.panel3.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.panel3.BackgroundImage = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("panel3.BackgroundImage"), Image)
    			Me.panel3.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None
    			Me.panel3.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow
    			Me.panel3.Location = New Point(38, 226)
    			Me.panel3.Name = "panel3"
    			Me.panel3.Size = New Size(192, 33)
    			Me.panel3.TabIndex = 3
    			Me.code.AcceptsTab = True
    			Me.code.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(30, 79, 138)
    			Me.code.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
    			Me.code.CausesValidation = False
    			Me.code.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.code.ForeColor = SystemColors.ButtonFace
    			Me.code.Location = New Point(11, 9)
    			Me.code.MaxLength = 50
    			Me.code.Name = "code"
    			Me.code.Size = New Size(170, 14)
    			Me.code.TabIndex = 0
    			Me.status.AutoSize = True
    			Me.status.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.status.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.status.ForeColor = SystemColors.ButtonHighlight
    			Me.status.Location = New Point(40, 180)
    			Me.status.Name = "status"
    			Me.status.Size = New Size(178, 15)
    			Me.status.TabIndex = 3
    			Me.status.Text = "Please enter your unique Code."
    			Me.panel2.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.panel2.BackgroundImage = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("panel2.BackgroundImage"), Image)
    			Me.panel2.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.None
    			Me.panel2.Cursor = Cursors.Hand
    			Me.panel2.Location = New Point(38, 127)
    			Me.panel2.Name = "panel2"
    			Me.panel2.Size = New Size(195, 42)
    			Me.panel2.TabIndex = 2
    			Me.panel2.Click += New EventHandler(Me.panel2_Click)
    			Me.label1.AutoSize = True
    			Me.label1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    			Me.label1.Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0)
    			Me.label1.ForeColor = SystemColors.ButtonHighlight
    			Me.label1.Location = New Point(40, 84)
    			Me.label1.Name = "label1"
    			Me.label1.Size = New Size(336, 30)
    			Me.label1.TabIndex = 0
    			Me.label1.Text = "For security reasons this program is protected by Code." & vbCrLf & "If you don't have one you may download it from below button."
    			Me.timer1.Interval = 3000
    			Me.timer1.Tick += New EventHandler(Me.timer1_Tick)
    			Me.timer2.Interval = 6000
    			Me.timer2.Tick += New EventHandler(Me.timer2_Tick)
    			MyBase.AutoScaleDimensions = New SizeF(6F, 13F)
    			MyBase.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font
    			MyBase.ClientSize = New Size(421, 348)
    			MyBase.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
    			MyBase.Icon = CType(componentResourceManager.GetObject("$this.Icon"), Icon)
    			MyBase.Name = "Form2"
    			MyBase.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
    			Me.Text = "Confirmation Code"
    			(CType(Me.pictureBox1, ISupportInitialize)).EndInit()
    		End Sub
    		Public Sub New()
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub pictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub button1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.button1.Font = New Font(Me.button1.Font.FontFamily.Name, 8F, FontStyle.Bold)
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub button1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.button1.Font = New Font(Me.button1.Font.FontFamily.Name, 9F, FontStyle.Bold)
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			If Me.code.Text = "" Then
    				Me.status.Text = "Please enter your unique Code! " & vbLf & "Download a valid code from the website that will open."
    				If Me.code.Text <> "e48c37c59ae420259c193a320b4e1ecd103d0" Then
    					Me.status.Text = "Your code is invalid ! " & vbLf & "Download a valid code from the website that will open."
    					Me.status.Text = "Your code is valid ! Please wait..."
    				End If
    			End If
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub timer2_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			Catch ex_1C As Object
    			End Try
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			Dim form As Form1 = New Form1(Me)
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    			Catch ex_10 As Object
    			End Try
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			If Me.togMove = 1 Then
    				MyBase.SetDesktopLocation(Control.MousePosition.X - Me.Mvalx, Control.MousePosition.Y - Me.Mvaly)
    			End If
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.togMove = 0
    		End Sub
    		Private Sub panel1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
    			Me.togMove = 1
    			Me.Mvalx = e.X
    			Me.Mvaly = e.Y
    		End Sub
    	End Class
    End Namespace
    Last edited by Defender2010; 07-18-2013 at 01:42 AM.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Defender2010 For This Useful Post:

    giuloihua (11-13-2014),Youtro (07-19-2013)

  4. #3
    RoflmaoBliz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    My Mood
    This is fake, the ESP Box shown in the video was from another "Pro" hacking site.. It's premium, it's just ESP, they're still working on aimbots..

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to RoflmaoBliz For This Useful Post:

    giuloihua (11-13-2014)

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