this is my 4th dispute. why am i banned, idk. i was just browsing mpgh, when POOF! i was banned. tomatotim5 got unbanned, and im still on the waiting list. what did i do? you could check my account ip (ayed12345) and compare it to the scammer's ip. i did not scam anyone, nor ban evaded, please dave, why is it me only? did i do something wrong to your property? absolutely no. other people get unbanned, while i am staying in a blacklist, never known, never trusted, never believed. and that's because my ip or skype is the same as scammer. i could proof everything here, every piece of evidence i know, will lie here.
may you be satisfied by my behavior after my unban.
may you get to the right path.
may you know that my skype is ayed123445 not ayed12345.
farewell in your judgement!