I'm selling a League of Legends account, on the server EUW (EU West)
The account contains:
Level 30.
Silver 3. (63 LP currently)
99 champions.
19 skins;

Pharao Amumu
Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
TPA Mundo
Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
Tundra Fizz
Toy Soldier Gangplank
Headless Hecarim
Blast Zone Heimerdinger
Full Metal Jayce
Totemic Mao'Kai
Full Metal Rammus
Sabretusk Sejuani
Warlord Shen
Lil Slugger Trundle
Traditional Trundle
Gangster Twitch
Archlight Varus
Spirit Guard Udyr
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV

6 rune pages, very good runes aswell
9.5k IP.

Add my skype if you're interested: thundermelon98