So i was searching on Battleon forums and found this info posted by a user who got it on his inbox, here it goes:


New Year's Nightmares Unwrap your Frostval Gifts!

Before the new year dawns...
•Steeds of Night and Day engaged in a sky-high battle
•Frostmane's nightmare = your reality in the Nightmare Realm

Save the world… save the New Year… and score awesome Rares!
•Frost King & Queen armor
•Royal Frost Helm
•Royal Frost Cape
•Royal Frost Blade
•Baby Polar Bear pet (Legend-only)

Have a happy New Year, hero!

Happy New Year! Presents!

Shadowfall Chaos Level Cap Increase
Shadowfall Falls Into Chaos Soon: Ultra Elemental Class

The Evil capital of the world, Shadowfall, is overrun with Chaos!
•Chaos overpowers city defenses
•Chaorruption takes hold of Gravelyn's forces

Will the Good heroes help defend Shadowfall… or team up with Chaos to destroy the city?

Normal is good… Evolved is better… and Ultra is the best!
•Harness 8 Elemental Orb Capes
•Each has special ability or boost
•Merge all Orbs to become the Ultra Elemental Class

Unleash your elemental endowment in 2 weeks!