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  1. #1
    CrazyJani's Avatar
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    [Realm Relay] What do UPDATE packets contain?

    I know that UPDATE packets contain status effects of enemies somewhere but I can't think of anyway I can check where they are. Most likely they're included in ID_UPDATE.newObjs[i][j].obf0-2. I tried to do a Sprite World while using this script:
    var ID_UPDATE = $.findPacketId("UPDATE");
    function onServerPacket(event) {
    	var packet = event.getPacket();
    	switch ( {
    		case ID_UPDATE: {
    			for (var i = 0; i < packet.newObjs.length; i++) {
    				var objectData = packet.newObjs[i];
    				if(objectData == null) {
    				var type = objectData.objectType;
    				if(type == 3334){ // Limon
    					for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
    						var statData =[j];
    						$.echo(statData.obf0 + ", " + statData.obf1 + ", " + statData.obf2);
    	Tile[] tiles
    	Entity[] newObjs
    	int[] drops
    	short objectType
    	Status status
    	int objectId
    	Location pos
    	StatData[] data
    	int obf0 what does these contain?
    	int obf1
    	string obf2
    And it outputted this:
    1, 9000, null
    2, 100, null
    21, 16, null
    29, 16777216, null
    But I still have no idea what's going on @DeVoidCoder @NisuxenZ @JustAnoobROTMG

    Edit: Also how is it possible that none of the packets contain ObjectData? (Edit2: I'm dumb, of course they don't have)
    	string id
    	int type
    	int maxHitPoints
    	int maxSize
    	int minSize
    	int size
    	int sizeStep
    	int shadowSize
    	int color
    	float xpMult
    	float rotation
    	boolean drawOnGround
    	boolean enemy
    	boolean fullOccupy
    	boolean occupySquare
    	boolean enemyOccupySquare
    	boolean blocksSight
    	boolean noMiniMap
    	boolean stasisImmune
    	boolean protectFromGroundDamage
    	boolean protectFromSink
    	boolean connects
    	float z
    How to modify ObjectData if none of the packets contain it?

    Edit2: I've tried to use $.findObject(searchterm) to get ObjectData of Scorpion Queen but no matter how I use it, it always returns null. How it should be used to get something else than null?

    Edit3: I found out that $.findObject(searchterm) can only be used to walls and some other objects, not for enemies
    Rags, 505
    Abyss Bones, 506
    Spider Ground Rocks, 508
    Spider Junk, 509
    Spider Egg Prop, 510
    Wooden Wall Tutorial, 512
    Wooden Wall Torch Tutorial, 513
    Spider Silk, 6144
    Big Candle, 6145
    Small Candle, 6146
    Pool of Blood, 6147
    Target, 6148
    Dummy, 6149
    Target Strong, 6150
    Dummy Strong, 6151
    Target Spawner, 6152
    Dummy Spawner, 6153
    Gothic Bricks, 6154
    Gothic Pillar, 6155
    Gothic Arch, 6156
    Gothic Candelabra, 6157
    Gothic Window 1, 6158
    Gothic Window Light Da, 6159
    Gothic Window Light Db, 6160
    Gothic Window Light Ua, 6161
    Gothic Window Light Ub, 6162
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    Gothic Window Light Lb, 6164
    Gothic Window Light La, 6165
    Gothic Window Light Rb, 6166
    Gothic Landscape Lf, 6167
    Gothic Landscape Rt, 6168
    Gothic Portrait, 6169
    Gothic Bookshelf, 6170
    Death Grass, 6171
    Death Flower, 6172
    Rock Path, 6173
    Death Tree, 6174
    Tombstone, 6175
    Egypt Plant, 6176
    Snake Pit Trap, 6181
    GhostShip Wall, 6182
    GhostShip Column, 6183
    GhostShip Map 1, 6184
    GhostShip Map 2, 6185
    GhostShip Window, 6186
    GhostShip Stairs, 6187
    GhostShip Bookshelf Rt, 6188
    GhostShip Bookshelf Lf, 6189
    GhostShip Barrel, 6190
    Ghost Small Candle, 6193
    GhostShip Stool, 6194
    GhostShip Weapons, 6195
    GhostShip Bones, 6196
    Ghost Table, 6197
    GhostShip Brig, 6198
    Castle Pot, 6199
    GhostShip Panel, 6200
    Castle Door, 6202
    Magic Blue Flame, 6243
    Big Trees, 6245
    Destructible Purple Wall, 6246
    Ghost Ship Crate, 6247
    GhostShip RedDoor Rt, 6248
    GhostShip RedDoor Lf, 6249
    GhostShip PurpleDoor Rt, 6250
    GhostShip PurpleDoor Lf, 6251
    GhostShip GreenDoor Rt, 6252
    GhostShip GreenDoor Lf, 6253
    GhostShip YellowDoor Rt, 6254
    GhostShip YellowDoor Lf, 6255
    Ghost Puddle, 6256
    GP Center, 6257
    GP Rt, 6258
    GP Lf, 6259
    GP Up, 6260
    GP Dn, 6261
    GP Cur, 6262
    GP Cul, 6263
    GP Cdr, 6264
    GP Cdl, 6265
    Table Edge UL, 6266
    Table Edge UR, 6267
    Table Edge LR, 6268
    Table Edge LL, 6269
    Ghost Table Edge UL, 6270
    Ghost Table Edge UR, 6271
    Ghost Table Edge LR, 6272
    Ghost Table Edge LL, 6273
    Tesla Coil, 6282
    Lab Table, 6283
    Lab Wall, 6284
    Lab Equipment Wall, 6286
    Lab Window Wall, 6287
    Cloning Vat, 6298
    Monster Tank1, 6300
    Monster Tank2, 6301
    Monster Tank3, 6302
    Monster Tank4, 6303
    Partial Horizontal Catwalk, 6304
    Partial Vertical Catwalk, 6305
    Partial Catwalk, 6306
    Mad Lab Bones, 6307
    Iron Brick, 6308
    Iron Wall, 6309
    Iron Deathspike, 6310
    Beach Umbrella, 6311
    Ice Cave Wall, 6312
    Ice Crystal Tree, 6313
    Ice Crystal Rock, 6314
    Ice Flower, 6315
    Lab Table Plain, 6316
    Lab Table Beaker, 6317
    MadLab Warning R, 6318
    MadLab Warning L, 6319
    MadLab Warning U, 6320
    MadLab Warning D, 6321
    MadLab Warning UR, 6322
    MadLab Warning UL, 6323
    MadLab Warning DR, 6324
    MadLab Warning DL, 6325
    MadLab Cables Hor, 6326
    MadLab Cables Vert, 6327
    MadLab Cables UR, 6328
    MadLab Cables UL, 6329
    MadLab Cables DR, 6330
    MadLab Cables DL, 6331
    MadLab Warning Inner UR, 6332
    MadLab Warning Inner UL, 6333
    MadLab Warning Inner DR, 6334
    MadLab Warning Inner DL, 6335
    Lab Wall Blue Glow, 6336
    Lab Wall Green Glow, 6337
    Lab Emergency Wall, 6338
    Lab Destructible Wall, 6339
    Brown Wall Tunnel Left, 6340
    Brown Wall Tunnel Middle, 6341
    Brown Wall Tunnel Right, 6342
    High Sign, 6343
    Character Changer NonStatic, 6344
    Name Changer NonStatic, 6345
    Candy Happy Flower 2, 6350
    Candy Happy Flower 1, 6351
    Retro Tomb Rock Wall, 6352
    Candy Small Tree, 6353
    Candy Jelly Bean, 6354
    Candy Peppermint Tree, 6355
    Candy Ground Flowers, 6356
    Candy Marshmallo, 6357
    Candy Rock Wall, 6358
    Candy Rock Wall Blue, 6359
    Candy Rock Wall Green, 6360
    Candy Rock Wall Pink, 6361
    Candy Rock Wall Yellow, 6362
    Candy Rock Wall Blue Basic, 6363
    Candy RockCandy, 6364
    Candy Choc Column Broken, 6365
    Candy Choc Column Whole, 6367
    Candy Straw Column Broken, 6368
    Candy Straw Column Whole, 6370
    Candy Doughnut Sm Flat Choc, 6371
    Candy Doughnut Sm Flat Straw, 6372
    Candy Doughnut Big Flat Choc, 6373
    Candy Doughnut Big Flat Straw, 6374
    Candy Doughnut Big Vert Choc, 6375
    Candy Doughnut Big Vert Straw, 6376
    Candy Peppermint Tree Big, 6377
    Gate, 6384
    Gate Entry, 6385
    Gate End 1, 6386
    Gate End 2, 6387
    Monument 1, 6389
    Monument 2, 6390
    Monument 3, 6391
    Gate 2, 6392
    Holloween Big Jacko, 6393
    Holloween Graveyard Wall, 6394
    Arena Large Monument 1, 6395
    Arena Large Monument 2, 6396
    Arena Large Monument 3, 6397
    Gate Entry 2, 6398
    Holloween Gravestone, 6399
    Holloween Leaves, 6400
    Holloween Leaves Sm, 6401
    Gate Entry 2 Rotated, 6404
    Gate Entry Rotated, 6405
    Gate Entry LF Rotated, 6406
    Gate Entry LF 2 Rotated, 6407
    Gate Entry Side, 6408
    Gate Entry Side 2, 6409
    Dark Table, 6410
    Dark Table Edge UL, 6411
    Dark Table Edge UR, 6412
    Dark Table Edge LR, 6413
    Dark Table Edge LL, 6414
    Corn, 6415
    Pumpkin, 6416
    Wooden Bench, 6417
    Armoire, 6418
    Tailor, 6419
    Winter Tree Small, 6420
    Winter Tree Big, 6421
    Winter Rock, 6422
    Winter Snowman Big, 6423
    Winter Snowman Small, 6424
    Winter Drift, 6425
    Japanese Paper Wall A, 6426
    Japanese Paper Wall B, 6427
    Japanese Paper Wall C, 6428
    Japanese Rocks, 6429
    Japanese Shrine, 6430
    Japanese Trees, 6431
    Japanese Sticks, 6432
    White Bench Low, 6433
    Dragon Wall Purple, 6434
    Dragon Wall Red, 6435
    Dragon Wall Gold, 6436
    Dragon Wall Green, 6437
    Dragon Wall Blue, 6438
    Dragon Temple Gold Brick, 6439
    Ice Destructible Wall, 6443
    Forrest Wall, 6444
    Forrest Wall Black, 6445
    Forrest Wall Single Tree, 6446
    All Black Wall, 6447
    Dragon Totem, 6448
    Big Box, 6449
    Dragon Candelabra, 6450
    Dragon Table LL, 6451
    Dragon Table LM, 6452
    Dragon Table LR, 6453
    Dragon Table ML, 6454
    Dragon Table MM, 6455
    Dragon Table MR, 6456
    Dragon Table UL, 6457
    Dragon Table UM, 6458
    Dragon Table UR, 6459
    Wood Fence, 6460
    Yard Upgrader 1, 6461
    Yard Upgrader 2, 6462
    Yard Upgrader 3, 6463
    Yard Upgrader 4, 6464
    Yard Upgrader 5, 6465
    Pet Upgrader Terminal, 6466
    Pet Upgrader Backup, 6467
    White Flowers NoWalk, 6468
    Iinvisible NoWalk, 6469
    Character Changer LF, 6470
    Earth Walls, 6471
    Destructible Earth Wall, 6472
    Earth Gash Small, 6473
    Earth Big Gash TL, 6474
    Earth Big Gash TR, 6475
    Earth Big Gash BL, 6476
    Earth Big Gash BR, 6477
    Earth Tile Down, 6478
    Earth Tile Right, 6479
    Earth Tile Up, 6480
    Earth Tile Left, 6481
    Earth Tile LU, 6482
    Earth Tile LD, 6483
    Earth Tile RD, 6484
    Earth Tile RU, 6485
    Arena Column Short, 6486
    Arena Column, 6487
    Arena Rug 1, 6489
    Arena Rug 2, 6490
    Arena Rug 3, 6491
    Arena Rug 4, 6492
    Arena Rug 5, 6493
    Arena Rug 6, 6494
    Arena Rug 7, 6495
    Arena Rug 8, 6496
    Arena Rug 9, 6497
    Earthy Bush Large, 6498
    Earthy Bush Small, 6499
    Earth Huge Gash 1, 6500
    Earth Huge Gash 2, 6501
    Earth Huge Gash 3, 6502
    Earth Huge Gash 4, 6503
    Earth Huge Gash 5, 6504
    Earth Huge Gash 6, 6505
    Earth Blue Flowers, 6506
    Earthy Red Rock, 6507
    Earthy Red Rock Lighter, 6508
    Arena Discarded Sword, 6525
    Arena Discarded Lance, 6526
    Arena Stone Column, 6527
    Arena Wall, 6533
    Arena Wall Gate LF, 6534
    Arena Wall Gate M, 6535
    Arena Wall Gate Rt, 6536
    Arena Wall Stands, 6537
    Arena Stone High Wall, 6538
    Arena Stone High Stands, 6539
    Arena Stone Mid Stands, 6545
    Arena Guard, 6546
    0ADouble, 6547
    Spider Web Wall, 6549

    Last edited by CrazyJani; 02-22-2014 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    059's Avatar
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    Objects (enemies and players and stuff), tiles, and drops
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  3. #3
    CrazyJani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 059 View Post
    Objects (enemies and players and stuff), tiles, and drops
    Well that's what I already knew. I just didn't want to put overlengthed title.

  4. #4
    infern000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post
    I know that UPDATE packets contain status effects of enemies somewhere but I can't think of anyway I can check where they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post
    29, 16777216, null
    there they are: 16777216 = 2^24 = 1<<24 and means [s]Invincible[/s] Invulnerable (blue shield icon)

    check here for the obf0 and condition reference
    Last edited by infern000; 02-22-2014 at 05:35 PM.

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  6. #5
    CrazyJani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by infern000 View Post
    What operation << is? That makes no sense for me. Would "PARALYZED = 1<<13" be 2^13=8192?
    Quote Originally Posted by infern000 View Post
    obf0 and condition(obf1) reference
    What's obf0 for?
    Last edited by CrazyJani; 02-22-2014 at 06:44 PM.

  7. #6
    angelofsilence123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post

    What operation << is? That makes no sense for me. Would "PARALYZED = 1<<13" be 2^13=8192?
    If that doesn't link, its a bitwise shift. Quoted from one of those answers:

    | = bitwise or

    & = bitwise and

    so it's the same as && and || just with the single bits

    << is left shift, so

    0110 << 2 shifts the numbers left by two positions, yielding 011000 another way to think of this is multiplication by two, so x<<1 == x*2, x<<2 == x*2*2 and so on, so it's x * Math.pow(2,n) for x<

    >> is the opposite, so 0110 >> 2 ---> 0001 you can think of it as division by two, BUT with rounding down, so it equals Math.floor(x/Math.pow(2,n))

    that should make sense

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post

    What's obf0 for?
    obf0 contains statdata types I believe, as linked in the above post.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to angelofsilence123 For This Useful Post:

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  9. #7
    JustAnoobROTMG's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    How to modify ObjectData if none of the packets contain it?

    Add it?

    UPDATE create (or destroy) the object. All its statdatas are initialized at object (ObjectStatusdata) creation.
    If you want to modify a particular statdata on a particular on object ONCE (in UPDATE) you have to catch the object creation then MODIFY the statdata.
    All objects should have all their statsdata in UPDATE.

    NEW_TICK on the contrary is the best place to MODIFY objects (ie statsdata) because ....its the packet purpose
    If the ObjectstatusData doesnt exists in a particular NEW_TICK, Create it, and add the Statdata you want to modify

    if ( == proxy.PlayerObjectid) 
                            proxy.player = new Player(o);
                            //System.out.println("PLAYER IS " +;
                            //Add/update glowing on player   if requested
                            if (Configuration.Glowing)
                                StatData stg = new StatData();
                                stg.type =  StatData.GLOWING_EFFECT;
                                stg.value = 7;
                                up.isModified = true;
    up is my UPDATE packet.
    updateStat is a stub function . It test if the stat exists or not in , and add it or update it otherwise so i can call the same function in NEW_TICK too.

    DO NOT create false UPDATE packet because the client answer to all UPDATE with UPDATE_ACK .
    Last edited by JustAnoobROTMG; 02-23-2014 at 02:39 PM.
    Due to a recent DMCA takedown attempt we had to remove Faintmako brain. Please do not paid attention to what he say or do.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to JustAnoobROTMG For This Useful Post:

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  11. #8
    CrazyJani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustAnoobROTMG View Post
    DO NOT create false UPDATE packet because the client answer to all UPDATE with UPDATE_ACK
    Good to know. What other packets do the client answer to?

    Quote Originally Posted by JustAnoobROTMG View Post
    updateStat is a stub function . It test if the stat exists or not in , and add it or update it otherwise so i can call the same
    This is where I got stuck. I can't find out how to send ObjectData in NEW_TICK
    Last edited by Lovroman; 03-04-2014 at 07:46 AM.

  12. #9
    infern000's Avatar
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    what do you want to do on the object data anyway? u can get and set it all via editing the .xmls

  13. #10
    mSteaker's Avatar
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    I'm stuck in about the same place you are. I have been trying to update jOryx and I know that the hello packet is incorrect. I have tried capturing the packet but I have been unable to decrypt it. My plan is to look through the source of the other 2 outdated proxies I have and see what method they use to encrypt the packet.

  14. #11
    JustAnoobROTMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post

    This is where I got stuck. I can't find out how to send ObjectData in NEW_TICK
    What are you trying to do exactly? I mean, without talking about the code.

    public class ObjectStatusData
        implements Parsable
        public int objectId;
        public Location pos;
        public List<StatData> stats;
    For me, stats are just a List. So there is nothing easier than add or modify a Statdata.
    RR probably use an array.

    I'm stuck in about the same place you are. I have been trying to update jOryx and I know that the hello packet is incorrect. I have tried capturing the packet but I have been unable to decrypt it. My plan is to look through the source of the other 2 outdated proxies I have and see what method they use to encrypt the packet.
    There are far more outdated packet in jOryx than Hello
    You should browse the SWF Actionscript using a decompiler like Sothink, As3Sorcerer or FFDEC..

    Packets definitions always have a very talkative toString()
    Due to a recent DMCA takedown attempt we had to remove Faintmako brain. Please do not paid attention to what he say or do.

  15. #12
    CrazyJani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustAnoobROTMG View Post
    What are you trying to do exactly?
    I am trying to change the ObjectData values and get the client to receive it.

    I've tried changing the size of Scorpion Queen, it worked Realm Relay sidely; Realm Relay always returns the wanted value after changing it. The thing is that I can't find a way to send the change to client to see it in client.
    function yellowAlert(event, text) {
    	var textPacket = event.createPacket(ID_TEXT); = "";
    	textPacket.objectId = -1;
    	textPacket.numStars = -1;
    	textPacket.bubbleTime = 0;
    	textPacket.recipient = "";
    	textPacket.text = text;
    	textPacket.cleanText = "";
    The code up there is how to send a text packet showing the text in yellow font. It seems to only take the packet properties(?) and send them to client. NEW_TICK packet has the following properties[SIZE=1](?):
    	int tickId
    	int tickTime
    	Status[] statuses
    	int objectId
    	Location pos
    	StatData[] data
    	int obf0
    	int obf1
    	string obf2
    	float x
    	float y
    	float distanceSquaredTo(Location location)
    	float distanceTo(Location location)
    It doesn't contain a slot for ObjectData:
    	string id
    	int type
    	int maxHitPoints
    	int maxSize
    	int minSize
    	int size
    	int sizeStep
    	int shadowSize
    	int color
    	float xpMult
    	float rotation
    	boolean drawOnGround
    	boolean enemy
    	boolean fullOccupy
    	boolean occupySquare
    	boolean enemyOccupySquare
    	boolean blocksSight
    	boolean noMiniMap
    	boolean stasisImmune
    	boolean protectFromGroundDamage
    	boolean protectFromSink
    	boolean connects
    	float z
    The thing that I am trying to ask is how do I send to the client something that is not delivered by any packet by default, the things that client already know about. I mean the client knows that the size of Scorpion Queen is 150, but I want to change it via a command to 50. Something must deliver the information to client but I don't know who or what could it be? How can one include useless (something that doesn't belong in the specified packet) information in the specified packet?

  16. #13
    mSteaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustAnoobROTMG View Post
    There are far more outdated packet in jOryx than Hello
    You should browse the SWF Actionscript using a decompiler like Sothink, As3Sorcerer or FFDEC..

    Packets definitions always have a very talkative toString()
    How do I know what to put into the packet? I have all of these variables but I when I send the packet I don't know what value to put in the gibberish ones.
    	public String buildVersion;
    	public int gameId;
    	public String guid;
    	public String password;
    	public String secret;
    	public int keyTime;
    	public byte[] key = new byte[0];
    	public byte[]  obf0 = new byte[0];
    	public String obf1 = "";
    	public String obf2 = "";
    	public String obf3 = "";
    	public String obf4 = "";
    	public String obf5 = "";

  17. #14
    JustAnoobROTMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyJani View Post

    The thing that I am trying to ask is how do I send to the client something that is not delivered by any packet by default, the things that client already know about. I mean the client knows that the size of Scorpion Queen is 150, but I want to change it via a command to 50. Something must deliver the information to client but I don't know who or what could it be? How can one include useless (something that doesn't belong in the specified packet) information in the specified packet?
    I dont think its possible without client modifications.
    For an unknow reason, pets size can be changed on the fly, even if they do no change and are defined in XML.

    I suppose the client do this :

    if its a pet, apply packet "size"
    else apply default size (XMl)

    But you can always trying to modify "size" in UPDATE.
    If the property is used at object creation only you 'll have to modify the UPDATE packet and not NEW_TICK
    Due to a recent DMCA takedown attempt we had to remove Faintmako brain. Please do not paid attention to what he say or do.

  18. #15
    JustAnoobROTMG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wetish View Post
    How do I know what to put into the packet? I have all of these variables but I when I send the packet I don't know what value to put in the gibberish ones.
        public String buildVersion;
        public int gameId;
        public String guid;
        public String password;
        public String secret;
        public int keyTime;
        public byte[] key = new byte[0];
        public byte[]  obf0 = new byte[0];
        public String obf1 = "";
        public String obf2 = "";
        public String obf3 = "";
        public String obf4 = "";
        public String obf5 = "";
    I dont know for "obfs". Maybe, make a Realm Relay addon which keep the unknow values and display them using a notification (using yellowAlert from Jani previous post?
    Due to a recent DMCA takedown attempt we had to remove Faintmako brain. Please do not paid attention to what he say or do.

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