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  1. #1
    KALI LOL Shop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    KALI Shop Sale League of Legends account Championship [Riven] riot [Graves] EUNE

    KALI Shop Sale League of Legends account
    all champions except for Vel'Koz.
    Akali - Crimson Akali
    Alistar - Unchained Alistar
    Amumu - Little Knight Amumu
    Anivia - Hextech Anivia
    Ashe - Freljord Ashe, Queen Ashe
    Blitzcrank - Boom Bomm Blitzcrank, Definitly Not Blitzcrank
    Brand - Zombie Brand, Cryocore Brand
    Caitlyn - Officer Caitlyn
    Cassiopeia - Mythic Cassiopeia
    Cho'Gath - Gentleman Cho'Gath
    Corki - Dragonwing Corki
    Darius - Bioforge Darius
    Dr. Mundo - Toxic Dr. Mundo, Mr. Mundoverse, Mundo Mundo.
    Draven - Soul reaver Draven
    Elise - Victorious Elise (Season 3 gold skin)
    Ezreal - Pulsefire Ezreal
    Fizz - Tundra Fizz
    Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gankplank
    Garen - Dreadknight Garen
    Gragas - Oktoberfest Gragas
    Irelia - Frostblade Irelia
    Jax - Jaximus, Temple Jax
    Karma - Sakura Karma, Traditional Karma
    Katarina - Slay Belle Katarina
    Kayle - Aether Wing Kayle, Judgement Kayle
    Kennen - Arctic Ops Kennen, Kennen M.D, Swamp Master Kennen
    Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix
    Kog'Maw - Caterpillar Kog'Maw, Jurassic Kog'Maw
    Lee Sin - Muay Thai Lee Sin, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Traditional Lee Sin
    Lucian - Hired Gun Lucian
    Lux - Steel Legion Lux
    Malphite - Glacial Malphite
    Mai - Totemic Mai
    Master Yi - Samurai Yi
    Miss Fortune - Secret Agent Miss Fortune, Cowgirl Miss Fortune, Waterloo Miss Fortune
    Morgana - Blackthorn Morgana
    Nautilus - AstroNautilus, Abyssal Nautilus
    Nidalee - Leopard Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee
    Nocturne - Eternum Nocturne, Haunting Nocturne, Ravager Nocturne
    Orianna - Bladecraft Orianna
    Pantheon - Ruthless Pantheon
    Rammus - Full Metal Rammus
    Renekton - Rune Wars Renekton, Outback Renekton
    Riven - CHAMPIONSHIP RIVEN, Redeemed Riven
    Ryze - Professor Ryze
    Shaco - Royal Shaco
    Shen - Surgeon Shen
    Shyvana - Darkflame Shyvana
    Sion - Hextech Sion, Lumberjack Sion
    Sivir - Spectacular Sivir
    Taric - Emerald Taric
    Teemo - Cottontail teemo
    Tristana - Firefighter Tristana, Riot Girl Tristana
    Trundle - Traditional Trundle
    Twisted Fate - Underworld Twisted Fate
    Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne
    Veigar - Veigar Greybeard, Leprechaun Veigar
    Vi - Officer Vi
    Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir
    Wukong - Volcanic Wukong
    Yorick - Undertaker Yorick
    Ziggs - Mad Scientist Ziggs
    Unranked .
    bec. we are new in this website , very low price !!

  2. #2
    keyshowman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    On A Wrecking Ball -_-
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    How Much You Are Looking For Just Give Me Range

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