First off, I sincerely appreciate the efforts of this community. I came here for a quick script to unlock a few weapon mods that the RNG stubbornly denied me and I stayed for this forum's excellent content & creative spirit.

I've always thought it sucks that the m308 has no 20-round mag option despite that being a pretty realistic magazine size for the m14.

Is it possible to create a new weapon mod such as a 20-round m308 mag?

I understand that it would almost certainly have to use the stock mag's graphical assets. I'd be satisfied if this new mod was shoehorned into the game as a new mod under an existing category (such as putting it in Gadget or Custom). I'd also be satisfied if I had to copy the entire m308 and make an identical weapon except for magazine size. I wouldn't be satisfied with a bottomless clip mod.

Thanks in advance for the guidance!