hi guys i constantly get upk errors after 1-2 games any tips on how to fix this and if some moron says uninstall and install again ill tell u to go f88k ur self thats the type of answer aeria drones would give like its somesthing i wouldnt of thought to do my self

tryed reinstalling
tryed updating ALL my drivers
tryed defragging

does any .net effect loading of upk files for example would i need to use a specific .net

in c:/aeriagames/ava/bineries/dump.txt
[AVA.exe:0x53e4497d:0x13d9000]Scaleform::Render::Matrix2x4<float>::Prepend() :0x00227A33Scaleform::Render::Matrix2x4<float>::Prepend() :0x0014681DScaleform::Render::Matrix2x4<float>::Prepend() :0x000B482A[KERNEL32.DLL:0x5265f8d8:0x140000]BaseThreadInitThunk() :0x0001495D[ntdll.dll:0x523d45fa:0x168000]RtlInitializeExceptionChain() :0x000498EERtlInitializeExceptionChain() :0x000498C4  d d    2          *J           TYPO@   ",8         "              2                             @   p         !7                                                                                                                                                                        H                                      t!     t                                                                            v<y< 	  G / /   и  /              +    +01432#"53254#"Kp
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