So I'm just making a simple scroll menu that I can use on this ArmA 3 Life server as their anti-cheat somehow sees when I open my other menu.
I have it working, but it adds like 4 actions to open the menu and when it opens doesn't get rid of the 4 open menu actions, so I want to have a keybind so that it adds the actions and then the action to close the menu which will remove the actions.

skruffys_scroll_menu = player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Open Menu</t>", {call openmenu}];

    openmenu = {
        player removeAction skruffys_scroll_menu_open_menu;
        skruffys_scroll_menu_toggle_esp = player addAction ["<t color='#40FF00'>Toggle ESP</t>", {call playesp}];
        skruffys_scroll_menu_toggle_vehiclegod = player addAction ["<t color='#40FF00'>Toggle Vehicle God</t>", {call vehiclegod}];
        skruffys_scroll_menu_toggle_playergod = player addAction ["<t color='#40FF00'>Toggle Player God</t>", {call playergod}];
        skruffys_scroll_menu_give_cash = player addAction ["<t color='#40FF00'>Give Cash</t>", {call givecash}];
        skruffys_scroll_menu_close_menu = player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close Menu</t>", {call closemenu}];
Basically, thats the first part of the script and it adds like 4 options to open the menu and it's terrible :P. So how can I add a keybind to add the actions