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    Smile [TuT] Manipulating a Fellow Being [Part-1]

    Note1: The original post of this couldnt be completed due to the edit rules. So this is the fixed and completed version.

    Note2: This can be abused, if done properly, please do not over do it, I have, and it eventually bites you in the ass. Not very fun in the end. (Haha.. There's a pun there.)

    Intro... Basically I will explain numerous steps and ways that you can manipulate a fellow human. This can range from the elderly, to the childish. From easy techniques of reverse-psychology to complex emotional patterns. A small note, I cant explain this completely, it comes naturally for me, no clue why. If you have specific questions feel free to ask. If it doesn't work 100% for you, don't come back and flame me for it.

    Table Of Contents
    Use the Letters (Eg, M1, for ctrl-f)
    M1- What is Manipulation?/What you may need.
    M2- Gender/Race/Looks (manipulating and manipulated)
    M3- Acting the Role
    M4- Rewards/Reason to Pursue
    M5- Penalties/Risks
    M6- Important Things to Keep in Mind.
    M7- Protecting Yourself, "Counter-Manipulation"
    M8- Personal "Strategies"
    More will be added if needed.

    M1- What is Manipulation?/What you may need.

    ma⋅nip⋅u⋅la⋅tion  [muh-nip-yuh-ley-shuhn]
    1. the act of manipulating.
    2. the state or fact of being manipulated.
    3. skillful or artful management.
    Although that definition is VERY bland, it states the basics. Skillful or artful management. To sum that up *IMO* that means controlling things in a way thats disguised, careful, and well thought out to the extent of it being the norm.

    Manipulation [on humans] is the controlling of some extent of their free will for your own, benefit or prerogative. Although this may be done for other individuals, its still YOUR prerogative. Your the one manipulating, your in control. When you manipulate someone, you, unknowingly to them, take a undetermined piece of their free will, and gradually bend it to what pleases you. This can range from complimenting you for your self esteem, to money, to seats of power. Many government officials use basic forms of manipulation to gain power.

    Manipulation in Our World {sub-category}
    As said before, the best example of modern day manipulation is shown by the government. During elections and other paths-to-power politicians will basically tell you what you want to hear, as to gain your vote or approval. This sounds awfully basic, childish almost, but they used advanced practices in a basic way to please your ears, your emotions, and your minds.

    Not only words can be used for manipulation, 'popular' individuals, like actors and other 'beautiful' people often use how they look to get what they want, simple enough right? Well not only the beautiful get it. All forms of looks, gender, race, hair style, eyes, everything can be used to some advantage. So just because you aren't the sexiest apple in the tree doesn't mean you don't get something too!

    "Skills"/"talents"/ Other things you may need.
    Manipulation is often a give-and-take type thing. You have to give a little to get a lot in return. Giving can range from treating someone to desert, to lying straight out to their face.

    These are just things that can help you out when your trying to manipulate, they are not a requirement.
    +Acting skills, Acting can help you gain their trust, without giving off any information about yourself. This will be further mentioned in M3.
    +Generosity, now some of you may read this and think "Wait what? Aren't we trying to ABUSE them? Why would we be generous?!" Well it's simple, If you were to say, buy them some little silly trinket that they took a liking to, they will think 'oh, he/she is so nice!' That increases their trust in you by however much.
    +Lying, Some people may not approve of this one, but if you're good at lying, then you have a higher chance for them to trust you. All you need to do is make sure you don't screw your story up.

    Other Things You May Need
    +To be caring to an extent. They must THINK you are caring.
    +Caution, you must remember, you never fully know who you are manipulating from the start. You may be someone else's target.
    +Smarts, You have to think out what they have to say, judge their reactions, and know where to move from there.
    +Risk taking, Like said above, you need to judge their reactions, and take some risks to continue.

    M2- Gender/Race/Looks

    Everything affects manipulation in person, and occasionally online. Gender is a constant in manipulation, certain things tick guys, certain things tick girls. Guys generally like sports, while girls generally like shopping (GENERALLY). You bring either of those up, with detail, and you have an instant connection. Forming the bridge to hold that power. Now then!

    Male Vs Female

    Both genders have special "effects". Girls give off the general loving sense, to care, to be there for you, while men give off the protective stance, the "nothing will hurt you". Knowing this is a serious thing when manipulating someone from the opposite sex. Without them, this would be a LOT more difficult.

    Males "abilities":
    +The "Protection", Males throughout history have been known as protectors, you can use this towards your advantage.
    +The "Charmer", Sweet, loving guys are often "rare", so being able to use this can almost ensure some amount of power.
    +Attractiveness, as always.

    Females "abilities":
    +Emotional support
    +"Bad-Ass", every straight-male always hopes to find a girl with the same general interests, whether its sports, music, tv, whatever. If a female can pull that off, a guy will usually bide her every word.
    +Attractiveness. THIS is the most useful by the "hot", "sexy", "beautiful", etc females. If your attractive, then you have an advantage. A cheap shot. But an advantage.

    Both genders have weaknesses as well. These can end up letting breaks in your mental wall. These are just the easy one's. I don't expect anyone to use the more difficult one's yet.

    Male Weaknesses:
    +Attractive females are one of the bigger weaknesses. Stupid I know, but this can be easily prevented by being cautious.
    +"Ego-Boosts", someone who boosts your ego makes you feel useful, usually you will stick with them.

    Female Weaknesses:
    +Attractive males. Easy enough to understand.
    +"Ego-Boosts", same as before.
    +Sweet-hearts. A guy who can make a girl feel good, she will always want to be around him. Regardless.

    Your race can often affect who you manipulate. This usually sticks to someone of your own race (EG, asian with asian, white with white, black with black). I am not being racist with this, but people naturally connect with people that are more like them. It's human nature. So if your target is of the same race, use that to an advantage. You already have one thing guarenteed in common, use that. Its the first step to control.

    Attractiveness mostly plays a factor in real-life scenarios. Only on occasion is it used in online manipulation. This is rather simple. Individuals tend to look towards attractiveness in the opposite sex.
    Walk through a public area and watch a group of guys/girls. Study them for 10-15 minutes, eventually an attractive guy/girl will walk by, and you can see a direct reaction if they are straight. Even if they aren't. Everyone recognizes beauty. (The blind are an exception*).
    If you are overly attractive, or even just cute (male/female), use this, do what you can to distract them from what you SAY, to what you DO. If they are studying your features, usually they tend to just nod and agree. This can push them into a position where they either have to give you what you want, or regrettably leave.

    M3- Acting the Role

    Manipulation, in some cases, requires you to act a role. To put on a mask and pretend to be someone else. This is for people with trust issues, or just the people that aren't "super" interesting.

    For this you need to be able to act, and lie. You will need a decent memory to make sure you don't mess up your story. If you do, you can nearly ensure a barrage of questions.

    Being able to predict their actions is extremely useful when acting. You have to know how they will respond to what you do. When you're just starting, you cant expect this.

    People are naturally cautious. So just remember that they will not just "fall for you" (certain cases are exempt.). If someone seems extra cautious, they usually have something to hide. So give them something to take as compensation. (*explained more in M8)

    M4: Rewards/Reason to Pursue

    This is fairly general, and personal to each person. I will just list off some reasons that are most "popular".
    +Money- Manipulating for money happens VERY often. It's one of the most-occurring reasons.
    +Secrets- This is mostly for curiosity. Although in big businesses or the government, this can end up with a big fall or big finish. So more extensive in the upper status'
    +Sex- Mostly male's do this. Usually will occur at a bar/club/etc. Fairly obvious reasons.
    +Power- Government. Explained in M1

    Other Reasons
    +Revenge. This can be used on ex girlfriends/ex boyfriends. Very immature. But it's still a reason.
    +Spite. Just general disgust or hate towards someone.
    +Boredom. Yup. It happens.
    +Practice. This is on occasion. I don't advise it.
    +If you have others, feel free to post them.

    M5: Penalties and Risks

    There are risks and penalties to manipulating. This is a short area, since there are SO many, its not worth explaining every little one. These are the one's i find most occurring.

    1. Emotional Attachment- This happens between male-females. Usually you end up too close. Just keep in mind your goals and you can prevent it.
    2. Losing Yourself- This is usually from acting. If you keep the role too long, you can lose yourself in the act. Once again, keep your goals in mind. And try to keep this role to JUST one person. The same role on multiple people can end up with you taking on the role permanently.
    3. Revenge- People who find out they got played, may come back for revenge. If this happens, just play off that it NEVER happened. Deny it all.
    4. Serious Trouble- This isn't that often, but if you fuck someone up too bad, and they head to the authorities, you can get in trouble for harassment. Or various other crimes. Just try to keep back. Deny it all. Etc.
    M6- Things to Keep in Mind/Tips
    This is just a tip section. It will be filled in as people ask questions.

    *1- If your trying to gain someone's trust, lie to them. Make your lie fluid and keep your story straight. (*Explained more in M8)
    *2- Keep notes of your work. If its an ongoing or long-term manipulation, you will want to remember important things you tell them.
    *3- If they start to catch on, you have three choices.
    a. Deny it all, and continue your quest.
    b. Admit it and pretend to feel bad about it. Make an entirely new story out of it.
    c. Leave. Vanish. Quit. This is by far the safest tactic.
    *4- If irl (In Real Life), and during a "role" (your acting), a friend/someone who knows you approaches you, return the approach, telling your target you'll be right back. Do NOT let the person get close enough to spill any unwanted information.
    **4- If they do manage to spill information, claim its some guy from your high school, it was your nickname blah blah blah. Just lie some more.

    M7- Protecting Yourself, "Counter-Manipulation"

    This section will explain how to protect yourself FROM BEING MANIPULATED. This is the "Counter-Manipulation" Section. Please enjoy this, since its me basically giving the Anti-Guide.

    The basics of counter-manipulation, are knowing the basics OF manipulation. If you know HOW to manipulate, you'll often know when people try to manipulate you. Learn to manipulate the basics, and you'll catch on fast enough. The following are some basics of what to watch out for if you suspect it.

    *1- Being overly Complimented- If someone is complimenting you A LOT, they are trying a basic form of manipulation. Give-And-Get situation. Keep it in mind, if it truly bothers you, tell them you are uncomfortable with compliments.
    *2- Mixed Signals- Although this is VERY difficult to notice towards manipulation, NewManipulators will have mixed reactions during their manipulating. They will act one way, then another. This is more in males then females, since females also have the hormonal reasons.
    *3- New Feelings- This is stating to someone who originally disliked you, suddenly changing feelings, becoming nice. Etc. (Normally they would gradually switch.) This is almost a sure-fire way to spot a crappy manipulator. Or someone that wants something.
    *4- Mixed Stories- As stated above, one tactic is lying. If their story begins to fall apart, it could be one of two things:
    a) They are manipulating, and messing up.
    b) Genuinely interested in being closer friends, so they are trying to impress you.
    *5- Paranoia- As a manipulator, I am EXTREMELY paranoid. Constantly. I'm not 100% if this is an exact signal, but I've noticed others. Paranoia can be summed up as questioning you on who you are, digging for random info. This is making sure you are who you say you are.
    *6- Secret-Sharing- If someone tries to get secrets, or offers you one in-exchange, be wary, its a classic technique of false-bait. Just be careful.
    *7- Won't allow you to add IRL contacts- This can apply to facebook/myspace/email/phone etc. They give you one that seems "fake" or "small."
    *8- Anger- When they ask for something from you, and you say no, or you literally cant, they spaz out, or get upset. This can either be Severe Emotional Distortion or they are not getting what they want. ***Watch out for a Guilt Trip***

    M8- Personal Strategies

    This topic is rather hard to discuss, I'd much rather explain after a direct question is asked about a certain situation. I will state some things I do to "catch" my "prey" easier.

    *1- False Baiting~ This is a tactic where you offer your own secrets, to gain their trust, or get some of their own secrets. Rather good tactic and works often. I usually lie, or tell smaller secrets, but pretend that they are really deep and impacting on yourself.
    *2- False Emotion~ This refers to what I just said, Throwing your emotions at topics will make them feel bad, or sorry, for you, which is always useful. If someone feels bad, they are more likely to do something for you. Or trust you even!
    *3- Guilt Trip~ Oh joy, this is an easy one. Use this as a backdoor. If they don't tell you something in return, whine and act sad that you trusted them and they don't trust you.

    In Real Life
    In real life, be more cautious, because people can find you easier. Just watch out. While manipulating, think it out more. There's no "oh sorry, my friend was on the computer" redo's. You have to live by what you say. So be MORE careful then ever.

    Online, you have more push-and-pull space. You can mess up more. So if you're practicing, do it online. Although, Person to Person cant be sub'd for this, its still nice practice on wording and training yourself. Keep in mind that your targets here are weaker. People on the internet (targets usually off of Online Games/Chat rooms) are lonelier, weaker, and want someone around. If you really jack-them-up, it can result in them causing themselves pain. It's your risk.

    Well that's it you read them all! That's the basics. Try it to ppl sometimes!

  2. #2
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    Nice tut pop

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    Quote Originally Posted by tom_alle View Post
    Nice tut pop
    Thanks!(TOO SHORT)

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    Lol TUT gave me a lol will try some ofc

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