Conversation Between Color and iTzSeyeko™JR #1

105 Visitor Messages

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  1. >Download Winrar
    >Extract all of your mods into the .rar file
    >Release it as a "Mod Pack", so there would only be 1 thread but multiple contents inside
    >Post virus scans for that .rar file
    >Profit .
  2. Hey dude, I will be releasing those mods tomorrow, and I also included another one, so there will be 3 in total. Do you think i will be able to make 3 separate threads or will that result in a ban? non of the minions are answering me.
  3. I see you finally stop trolling me
  4. It's too funny .
  5. stop trolling bro
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 105 of 105
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