Conversation Between Caezer99 and o0o90

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Caezer ! . Can you add my Skype ? CandyLiciouMY . :/ . i am your idol <3
  2. My Skype name : CandyLiciousMy
  3. Caezer99 . What is your Skype name ? I want to add .
  4. Caezer ? You online or Offline ? -.-
  5. Caezer99 . Would you like to share your hack to me ? . Just asking . hahahaha . Hope soo u sharee to mee ^_^
  6. Hello .
  7. Hi . This is me . nellydiaSenrose. i have add you ad bs . .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7