Conversation Between Black and Cursed

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Cheers , have a good day
  2. Alright, looks like I got it. It's really no problem at all. Good luck selling.
  3. Almost

    Could you move the accepting btc part to below the spoiler so that it appears underneath the packages spoiler and above the terms of service one? Also make the btc line bold and in red if possible.

    Sorry if it's too much of a bother
  4. I think I got it. Can you verify?
  5. Hey, tried to change my thread a little bit using the report button but to no avail, any chance you could do it for me when you've got the time?

    Thread link :

    Edit: Add "Only accepting BTC" (without quotations) under the "Packages" spoiler.

  6. Thanks
  7. Congratulations
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7