Conversation Between chezz and EndRiT

14 Visitor Messages

  1. KK endrit...thanks anyway ^^
  2. Only GMOD's and Admins can unban.
  3. Only GMOD's and Admins can unban.
  4. aarrrgh.... that guy was seeing the videos I posted in the sharing videos section I think, and he was loling -.-
    Butthere's nomod for that sectionand theres nothing thats specifies how are videos supossed to be posted...
    anyway, I wasnt spamming but well... Imtolazyto start another "messing around situation" with another mod XD
    See ya in 2 days then ^^
    and thanks for the info

    Ps:If you could manage to get me unbanned before it will be very apreciated :P
  5. DoubleDutch banned you.
  6. No.. it wasn't me...
    Let me check who.
  7. emmm dude... was you who banned my new account? =S
    it says I was banned for spamming threads... and I dont remember being spaming anything Ò.o

    c'mon endrit, answer please, I was making a group and was about to leave and finally go to sleep, but when I was up-loading my group'simage... suddenly i was banned -.-
  8. to continue what?
    you startedanyway, andnow I see your so damn inmature...
    I cant expect more from a 15yo child -.-
  9. rofl.. you didnt even wait for my response and you just banned me XD
    how desperate :P
  10. Im not doing any ofensive action, so you have no reasons for baning me. And I know Dave is picking another person in order to have 2 mods, but I bet Ill like that person more than you.
    See?... no offenses, only my personal opinion
  11. I see you keep doing things youre not supposed to do... thats why Dave wanna get another mod... Hope Dave pick another person soon-
  12. Not your authority, but your reasons. Your new "help me" thread is not better than my deleted thread, at least I was continuously reading everyone's posts and answering to help, and you aparrently cant handle 2 persons at the sametime.
    Having a mod position carries responsabilities, and you abused your position by doing what you did.
  13. thats not a valid reason... I, just as you, was trying to help people out, next time make your thread, and let others help people on their own... that means no deletion of threads... all the posts were deleted too dude, think about that -.-
  14. yeah dude, im talking to you...why did you delet my thread?
    didnt you like it?
    say a valid reason guy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14