Conversation Between MoarHackerz and Polo

5 Visitor Messages

  1. thats odd cause .Rez said you were good with rez modding D:
  2. For that problem why not just reinstall CA? & for the bypass just google it and you'll find some tuts on MPGH. I myself dont have a lot of experience with rez modding so
  3. I took some .rez files and drag and droped them into the Game file. The UI_Sound file works just fine but the accolades file doesnt work at all. -.-
    I even tried to inject them into .rez(new) i changed the .Rez(New) to .rez and also still didn't work. Could you tell me how to by pass texture mods?
  4. What's wrong with it? I don't have skype but i do have MSN. I'm not at home currently so i won't be able to get back at you for a while. Give me some more information
  5. Hey would you help me with some .rez mods
    @.rez said you would help and you would know how to bypass.
    I'd be happy to + REP you. I just wanna get my texture mods working again
    My skype information is moarhackerz.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5