Conversation Between Nazmark and Ravallo

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the response, but our new OMM aka Maxedout is already trading us.
    Sorry for the inconvenience
  2. Somewhere after dinner probably, which shouldn't be too long from now.
  3. Ravvi. I need you as an OMM to trade my CF Account with another guy's account. When you'll be available ?
  4. Added already, I am
  5. Yes most likely.
    You can add me on msn if you haven't already:
  6. I'm requesting a trade for today...The time in my country now is 14:30 PM...probably at 21:00 -21:30PM(my time), can you be our OMM for that time?
  7. You can do so in the Scammer Grave.
  8. Sorry, I want to report a scammer. He broke into my CF Europe account, and now playing on it
  9. Was asleep/at work when you VM'ed me ...
  10. Hello, can you please be my MM for crossfire account trading?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10