Conversation Between Color and Dylan

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Nah, started watching anime about a month ago, here's my list.
    And nice list was thinking of checking out steins;gate
  2. You haven't seen much anime have you?
    1. Code Geass
    2. Cowboy Bebop
    3. Monster
    4. Steins;Gate
    5. Neon Genesis Evangalion
  3. Talk some anime with me man, what are your favorites? My top 5 would have to be
    1. Date a Live
    2. Highschool DxD
    3. Zero no Tsukaima
    4. Shigatsu no kimi no uso ( your lie in april )
    5. No Game No Life
  4. why should i?
  5. Hope you get CS.
  6. boombawks?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6