Conversation Between Annddi and Lch868

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I was posting on posts to buy Dead Island lol. and you gave me a Dead Space offer.
    Anyways, I understand you are trying to sell STEAM ACCOUNTS? not Steam Game Redemption Codes?
    I'm only looking for games to ADD to my account, not to buy another account.
  2. I am selling Dead Space, not Dead Island. And I didn't get what you wanted to say
  3. I'd be interested in your account with Dead Island and cheap, however, accounts are not what i am looking for.
    only just keys... I wouldn't be wanting to keep changing account information everytime i wanted to play dead island haha
  4. Hey, I can't PM you. I am selling 100% clean accounts, with the email so you can change it, and the account will be fully yours.
    Hope you want it!

    Thank you for being interested!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4