Conversation Between Shocking and Kookeedoh

23 Visitor Messages

  1. your still on this? hahaha
  2. look at your inbox.
  3. go on msn?
  4. Put this in your sig if you support me sam.

  5. You're Fat, I Spammed you, Get a job.
  6. my friend and i went freejoblancing and found nothin wegoin cabra tomorrow
  7. kays im eating a wrap
  8. okay xD its hard finding freelance jobs. hmm i'll ask my Uncle again :L
  9. You have 9 hours left, You better or I'm gonna bash you.
  10. Okay I'll Try
  11. Work anywhere, you promised you could get money today T__T
  12. im on my DS lol cos i am not home :L
    and work where :L
  13. Lmfaoo, You still aat gym? GO WORK FOR PAYPAL MONEHH
  14. I don't like all you little Blue eyed dumb white
  15. Lol.
  16. im happy that you did
  17. I stole your virginity as you are reading this sentence.
  18. Why Did you cry yesterday? what happened?
  19. I cried so much yesterday. T_______T" My eyes are so sore.
  20. No you Havn't commented on my page
  21. Lols, pro indeed.. hey my comments on your page got deleted?
  22. woah You have a request to do an intro for someone! How pro~
  23. yu got skype?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23