Conversation Between `Rejected and Freeze

4 Visitor Messages

  1. All good I am just letting you know cause I have noticed you take a lot of vouch copies, I also suggest going a bit more into the review but all g if you don't.
  2. Well, you have a point in that. Now, I'm gonna stop arguing.
  3. I suggest you read the actual rules and guidelines man, it says that if you need time to do it then yes you can post a read only one but they want you to actually test it, its probably not against the rules not to but its a pretty scummy thing because if you rate something so highly without even testing it works and people buy it to later find out that it doesn't work then you basically costed those people their money and that's a pretty shitty thing to do on this forum. That's just me though and trust me I have been on here for awhile.
  4. I'm pretty sure you have 2 choices when receiving a vouch copy, Test it or Just review it. I chose 'Just Review It' Thats why I had the "Read Only" atop my vouch review
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4