Conversation Between 11Swift11 and omar_101

22 Visitor Messages

  1. please reply asap
  2. bro your online so did u make the hack or are u still finishing it
  3. Bro will u be making the hack soon i really need to know i log on every couple of minutes tho see if you made the hack
  4. dude
    um when will u be releasing it please asap
  5. Pictures be up Soonish - Hopefully i get a Release going Soon also.
  6. is that ur pic on your profile? *_*
  7. hey bro last question do u mean preview like pics or will you be releasing it tonight
  8. thank you so much man your the best. Oh and btw i hope u live happily ever after with your girl. ^_^ btw i meant that in a good way.
  9. I've been Extremely Busy with my Girl.
    But things are Getting done, Hopefully a Preview of some Sort will be up Tonight,

    Will make an Allowance for it to work.
  10. well im sure you will make the hack with windows 8 right?
    I hope u do and please tell me what are u doing currently about the hack.
  11. I run windows 8 too guess we have something in commin
  12. hows the hack going
  13. thank you very much oh and i had a question please post on my wall when you finish creating it please
  14. hope its going well
  15. how the hack going
  16. hey swift hi i saw your message that you left on my board anyways i was asking is there a estimated time like one week or something or you dont know. Oh and another question will you send me a email with the link or no. Anyways i really apprieciate your help and that your making for all the players of sfront a good wallhack. I look forward to seeing you work!!
  17. No ETA, I Have a Working Life & a Missus, so It's hard for me to get Time to Acutally Program.
    I'll try get Somthing out soon Though.
  18. Swift asap please tell me when you will be releasing your hack
  19. please i really need it
  20. could you give me an estimated time when the hack will be out
  21. hey swift are you there
  22. hey bro please pm me or send me a message of where i can get the hack that your creating asap and again my email is And if anyone else sees this and finds a free hack please tell me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 22 of 22