Conversation Between Minerva and elfiriana

9 Visitor Messages

  1. hello yulu , can u make me a new one , this time dont put my blackshot name same as my mpgh name .
    Help me to put as _GM_Goofy , thank u yulu . username : elfiyulu , password : Danial2001
  2. Thank You YULU
  3. already done
  4. hello yulu , this is the correct account , username : DarkYulu , password : t0141348h . Thanks yulu
  5. @elfiriana Account DONE, change ur password now
  6. wrong password
  7. hey yulu , can u make my skin colour change ? i created a new account , usernamearkYulu , password:t0141348h . thanks
  8. hey yulu , can u make my skin colour change ? i created a new account
  9. Hey Yulu
    username : DarkLight
    password : t0141348h
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9