Conversation Between raphaterz and Ghost

21 Visitor Messages

  1. but not for long, gonna change it back, lul
  2. Bich you changed your name
  3. yup i guess
  4. We have to play again sometime brah

  5. I remember that one.
    Saw it in mexico lol.
  6. i found the name

    its Treasure Planet
  7. Dunno the name of that movie.
  8. my fave movie as a kid was that cartoon one about the treasure and they have like flying ships

    forgot the name
  9. Lmao, use to be my favorite movie when i was a kid.
    I think i still have the VHS version of it
  10. that movie used to scare the shit out of me...
  11. From an old movie, The Iron Giant
  12. what cartoon is your avatar from 0_o

    and yes ima copy but some other char 0_o

  13. Just saying
  14. nigga you racist
  15. Would never of guessed that ._.
  16. im muslim, but i can make a great indian accent

    well ive been told
  17. You do sound white...your black?o.O
  18. well it was unexpected!

    ive been told i sound white...
  19. I lol'd when you said oh shit u got a deep voice
  20. ya i am nigga
  21. You mad cuz my deep voice?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21