Conversation Between Moto and Zen

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Let me know when tryouts are nigrat
  2. Interested in the MPGH xbox clan.. 15 yrs old, experienced at mw2/cod4 , not a big fan of bo

    good connection, live in the west coast usa, ill be on xbox tommorrow night, (spring break)

    but i am active alot
  3. sounds good!

    I'll practice

  4. all the spots are full for this season, the current season will end on Mar. 24th, then we will hold tryouts again.

    thanks for the interest! i'll post another thread when its time.
  5. Want to join the xbox clan, possibly let me tryout tommorrow afternoon-night?

    MW2/COD4 are the games i play the most, kinda p/od at BO atm..

    GT: Time4Fight

    Anyways. let me knoww.....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5