Conversation Between blueduece2 and andrewgeltz

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. i only got a 70g hard drive and 25g's are free lol
  2. good thing u caught that in time...I havent had to reformat in a long time, Id hate to, I have about 400 gigs of shit on here.
  3. hey i just about formatted my hard drive when i pulled out my usb turns out the virus had its roots in it.... lol fixed thanks
  4. i have came up clean is there a virus program you think could get it out
  5. yep, ur infected..youd better scan, like now..if u can
  6. like whenever i click a text link (mainly google) it sends me to a random page (different everytime)
  7. Nice dude, I bet you are soooo in there with her, chicks dig that out for those viruses, this site has aidz ya know, lollololololol
    here it is sorry it took so long safari caught a virus
  9. sure...send it
  10. actually i made her a wallpaper last night wanna see?
  11. gf is back, that explains it makin her emo "i luv u" siggy's?(lol,jk)..cya round
  12. nah i just nobodys requesting stuff and my gf is back from camp
  13. Dude, u never talk anymore, u mad or what?
  14. i think it looks nice font a little iffy like they said
  15. wait what web page?
  16. what u think about the web page??
  17. oh ok then
  18. posting a thread saying "who wants me to leave" is a sure way to get flamed
  19. lol no im not in college im only 14
  20. You said something about "finishing college". Are you enrolled now?
  21. kk i had just gotten some new brushes and wanted to test them out and you were the first person i thought of
  22. thanx're improving, keep trying.
  23. dang its high 90's here + humidity (that we all love florida for) when i graduate from college im moving to the mountains like idk nevada or something
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 32
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