Conversation Between TheAbortedJr and .REZ

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorry man, I go to school all morning then work till late at night. If I'm not on here or most of the time I am on here, I'm stoned off my ass.
  2. Long time (Not really), no see

    watchu doin
  3. Fuck NVIDIA graphics cards.
  4. Well, since I am in Sweden, I can't buy parts from Amazon (I can but there is no point.). I put my budget on 16500 SEK (About 2550$)

    I will rise it if needed. Just building a new PC, always fun.

    Already got all my shit, so just the PC needed. Any suggestions?
  5. Sure, whatcha need
  6. Dis shet is confusing.

    Wanna take part in getting some parts for my next build?
  7. I got no clue man
  8. Wait, de fuck is this 0 thanks after each VM?
  9. Nom nom nig
  10. Lul

    Dave eatz dem cakez
  11. Dabe baked them into a cake and ate them
  12. Ah hell naw, whe de fuk are mah thanks at
  13. Lol, nah man I don't hate.
  14. Well, you confused the living shit out of me. Thought you were hating on me, then send me a FR.

    Dah hell
  15. That's what I've always found
  16. Dafuq

    Not through my experience.
  17. I hear they absolutely love frozen yogurt.
  18. Huh, got something against deaf people?
  19. Yes, what about it?

    I'm a CODA myself..
  20. That children of dear parents shit
  21. Lol wat

  22. Fuck you and your deaf thread.
  23. Nothing bad about it, just funneh.

    Now, go look at meh thread. C:
  24. Got school bro, my bad.
  25. Lol at that, and lol at 4 hour later reply ;D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 42
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