Conversation Between Empire and Joshcarr2006

23 Visitor Messages

  1. nope, no minion/mod.
  2. lol wasn't you minin or some thing?
  3. what?............................................. ...
  4. any day now......
  5. Why don't you search it? you should know where to find it again.
    (still laughing at the pro ps thing)
  6. no as a pro in PS I don't save any thing.
  7. well its not your avi lulz, btw can you link me the PR render?
  8. No I don't plz tell me what a render is.
  9. Josh. you know what a render is.......
  10. That would all make sense if i didn't have it in my sig before you, and if maybe you didn't put the same text.

    just don't take credit for what you didn't do. its that simple.

    Oh, and your not a pro at ps lulz. that one was hilarious.
  11. Yes I'm a pro at Photoshop and I got the render from PR. I don't save any of the psd because they take up to much space.
  12. -.-
    what a coincidence i
    -Know how to use ps.
    -Know where it came from.
    -Notice that its way too big for your avi.

    Tell you what, if you can give me a psd. and tell me where it came from, I'll stop pestering you about my work.
  13. well I made it so I'm taking all the credit for it.
  14. I ask that you don't take credit for it. Thats all.
  15. O.o
    -.- no.
  16. What are you talking about I made it.
  17. Saving as a png. is better, or you could make the text bigger.

    -.- I don't mind you using it rly. Its just i find it funny as your avitar, since i made it originally big enough for my wallpaper.
  18. Why you got to rip my pic for?
  19. lulwut.......
  20. congratz 2 yah!
  21. I don't really make sigs that much. I work on my site now.
  22. nice new sig, you need to work on AV but the sig is better than the other one you had by far.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23