Conversation Between COD3RIN and NEedstuffgoneeee

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Lots of gratitute for your fast answer,

    I do have one problem though;
    It seems I cannot contact Miss Lizz with my current account.
    I have not made any posts.

    Could you forward my message to her for me?
    It would help me alot!
    My gratitude is big!
  2. you need to ask [MPGH]Liz
    to delete you post

  3. Dear Sir/Madam,

    My name is Jeremy M.

    I ask you for help regarding;

    I once sold a Battle Net account to a friend of mine as stated in the topic.. BUT this post shows up at search engines when people type my name!

    There is an old e-mail adress and other personal info that I do not want open on the web.
    He made this post, without my consent and put my public information open on the web without my approval.

    I made my account to ask this.
    Could you please remove this post so people can no longer see my stuff?

    Thanks alot!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4