Conversation Between Epko <3 and humita5

9 Visitor Messages

  1. idk just me standing alone :P
  2. as your profile picture?
  3. add me to facebook : shay sadina
  4. yes, I have no skype but if facebook
    I'm new to this so I do not know how to send a private message
  5. you adding me ?
  6. add me : snakeey3spro , please dont write on my profile just add me
  7. $ 60?
    but I can not pay by paypal: S and I have skype
  8. how much you offer ? and whats your skype?
  9. I would like to buy your account would pay a reasonable price but the problem is that I have no paypal am under even
    if I could pay you nicely otherwise what would you be very kind aria able to discuss this?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9