Conversation Between Lolland and Blubb1337

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Help this guy:

    His English is iffy so I told him to speak German.

  2. Deserved

    Once again, gratz on minion.
  3. Gratz bro.
  4. Any ideas for VBOTW4?
  5. check your topic
  6. no :'( never tried such
  7. Do you know how can I convert a char to a hexadecimal?
  8. that guy was fucking epic xD
  9. Later then
  10. He's not online D:

    Make Nextgen refresh the link plox

    A snippet vault should not contain 20 posts of a discussion about bumps.
  13. 11:35pm, writing some chemistry exams tomorrow, fuck chemistry by the way =D

    Adding you tomorrow ~14 hours 2 go.
  14. Add me on MSN:

    Need FTP server
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15