Conversation Between Sheep and shoracko

12 Visitor Messages

  1. message me on steam about the prodigy account
    i have an offer to get it back.
  2. damn.. ;/ .
  3. i cant find them.
  4. Checked yet?
  5. trying to find the email now
  6. Hey bro
    Can you check the email that sshoracko1999 was sent too
    Like just c+p it
    I know it has stars but still
  7. one, yes it is the shoracko1999 and two, seeing as you told me you didnt change the info, i just logged onto the account from the website
    and it worked fine. are you sure since it's not before the date deadline u cant play on it?
  8. whenever i log onto the account you gave me
    it says it doesnt exist..
    the id was shoracko1999 ? correct
  9. Yes, I can confirm you es hacker, much troll, very speedy, no del evr egen,.
    nah but seriously he's a legit and fast trader, lub you :*
    +1 vouch
  10. yo dude, can you confirm you sold this to me over steam
  11. Alright, I'll accept when I'm on PC
    Also add me on steam
    I'm on there more
  12. i added you on skype, Kriosgraal.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12