Conversation Between TankMeSomeDay? and KingDemise

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Shouldn't have betrayed me Wasabi.... Shit will now hit the fan
  2. Come on my Teamspeak
  3. Account wont lemme login so Im guessing banned, but I saw it in my email's inbox so thats why I came to say hi to you haha, If you want the account by the way ill make you a good deal for it, that way itll stay in the family
  4. If you saw it why didn't you respond from that acc?
  5. Hey Wasabi dont spread the word but I saw what you inboxed and Yes its me hellhounds lol, I was there when you finally got Captain I think? we did tons of alaska cause thats all I really play :P I have 3.0 in that almost and I have G500s as an Alt account, if thats enough evidence
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