Conversation Between shimingqi98 and Glaceon

9 Visitor Messages

  1. hey dude, what's ur skype again?
  2. Do you still want my account?
  3. Okay. We will see
  4. alright, i will buy it with the price of 120 two days later if no one buy this acct.
  5. So? You buying it or not?
  6. Yes and I will use OMM of MPGH + Anti-Scam method.
  7. okay, if i buy it, will u give me the registered email and PW to me cause z8 has a bug that anyone can not change the email now
  8. I would about 120-150. that's the need for my PC...
  9. how much would u sell the acctount? if the price is good, i will buy it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9