Conversation Between Viibez and Mr. Lonely

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, you're still on MPGH?
  2. Well, she's so tired that her gasp sounds like a moan.. She won't go to bed again though so I'm trapped.
  3. PHONE SEX?!
  4. I THOUGH HER PHONE WAS ON MUTE, I'M SORRY! Now she's telling me what she has dreamed and stuff, fuck that's weird.
  5. I would never wake up my loved ones just to tell them I love them . YOU'RE HEARTLESS.
  6. Heartless asian ._.
  7. I've never done that and never will .
  8. Remember, don't ever text your girl/boyfriend at 5:36 am w/ some 'I love you' ish or else he/she wakes up and calls you ]:
  9. smoking ciggs makes me feel rusty.
  10. Just like my cigarette, she comes then goes Yes my cigs are females.
  11. I come and go .
  12. You're still alive, i see.
  13. oh thats why D:
  14. Im not on msn .
  15. Did you blocked me on Msn?
  16. Toxin have 4 sons
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16