Conversation Between Bombsaway707 and Drake

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. yeah ik , i just wanted to make sure that it didn't work anymore .
    and you seem to be right .
  2. As far as the encrypters go, it should be unstickied but not because of Souzas hack. Me and Jason were talking and he has a different idea of how nexon is detecting hacks and coded an actual encrypter, not a kilobyte adder. Im not quite sure what souza was talking about but as far as i can tell his isnt working. It might work for other people but for me the hack still crashes, according to jason its something about how older encrypters worked with the entire dll rather then sections or something like that
  3. i see .
  4. The hacks have the detected parts in them but the encrypters are no longer encrypting the parts of the hack CA scans. CA is scanning the actual hack now not just the MD5 and SHA1 which renders all the encrypters useless, Polo is going to make a thread about it
  5. Are you sure it's the programs and not the hacks that have a detected part within them ?
  6. As far as i can tell this:
    And elite encrypt/byte cipher no longer work, might want to make a sticky or something
  7. Just did ::
  8. Yeah sure , feel free to PM it and i will give it a try .
  9. Yeo Eminem, would you be up for testing a new encrypter? Its got some stuff CA aint never seen before, i call it synoncrypt. Meaning like snynonymous aka the same which is ironic because its quite different then most encrypters
  10. Alright ill talk to him, thank you
  11. well if it connects to the internet it isn't allowed .
    but since you have been staff on this site , you could always ask dave for permission .
  12. Hey, would i be allowed to make a program that retrieved hacks from the internet? Basically, an injector you put in the hacks MD5 and it gets added to a list of injections. Thanks. Cheers
  13. oohhh .
  14. Still gotta spread rep around hahah

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Eminem again.
  15. im da man .
  16. you da man also /repped
    edit: You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Eminem again :s ill spread my aids around and gib it to you whenever i can
  17. /me gave you 6 rep bars .
  18. yes it does .
  19. Sounds good
  20. great , i check the section daily so , ill notice them when u posted it .
  21. / ill post em in the gen hacks section
  22. yeah , make some small tutorials .
    so ppl could get started without help from someone else .
  23. i could probably write some up on SQL injection
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 27
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