Conversation Between Bombsaway707 and Animal_Instinct

6 Visitor Messages

  1. hey bombs, I had a tutorial up in the combat arms section about how to farm points with caltrops but it looks like one of the mods deleted it today right after it was already approved from yesterday. No strong grudge, I just wanna know if there was a legitimate reason for it to be deleted.
  2. were not all angry trolls, and alright sounds good man, best of luck with your TV
  3. thanks man. Good to see the higher ups of mpgh aren't raging trolls. I'll keep your offer in mind tho for reference if I ever cross the darkside. haha
  4. It will, you should just wipe your browser history/cookies and delete bookmarks and u should pass a TV insepction
  5. Ty for the offer but I have never installed hacks lol only thing I'm worried about is them seeing me active on a hacking forum..well nvm, 240 somethin posts probably isn't considered active. But I still wonder if that might throw up a redflag.
  6. Hey i saw you made a thread about passing a LGC teamview, i made a program which is designed to scan and clear your computer of hacks, if you are interested in purchasing it PM me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6