Conversation Between Bombsaway707 and KawaiiSlut

24 Visitor Messages

  1. /me will win
  2. .
  3. Yes Really
  4. .
  5. I speak no lies
  6. You speak lies
  7. Ehehehe. I'll win /me
  8. there buddeh
  9. Ohrly now?
    If you do fall for any of my trolls, You owe me unlimited uses of your future releases (including past and present)
  10. I neber fall for troll
  11. How bout if the troll works
  12. I neber approve troll
  13. LOL
    Next time i troll release, You're gonna be the one that approves it
    you hafta approve it and try it
  14. I didn't try it
    i checked in like 3 hours late and saw it was a troll
  15. Funny thing is, the hack actually worked.. for about 10 seconds? xD
  16. IK ahaha
    it was trolltastic
  17. Oh xD
    It doesn't work. Just a 4k prank
  18. Me gusta = i like
  19. What's a gusta
    and thanks

  20. Nice hack btw, me gusta
  21. LOL
    thar Bombsaway
  22. Oh, now your name makes sense
    cute slut
  23. Kawaii = Cute/Pretty or what ever in japanese
    Slut = Slut
  24. Kawaii = Kansas & Hawaii
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24