Conversation Between Insomniac and FUKO

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Ecstasy is all you need
  2. Dope .
  3. come to seattle
  4. We got to meet up
  5. i <3 u and no fapping to the thought of me dousnt count
  6. /wut
  7. Does fapping to the though of you doing things to me count?
  8. prove it first then i will
  9. You obviously don't
  10. i already have
  11. Prove it then sweet cheeks
  12. lub you too Fuko

  13. Lub you Insomniac
  14. i will change back then
  15. Ugly as fuck
    Reminds me of this one girl.......

  16. ______
  17. .
  18. I know
    He took yo body over
  19. Its my old name
    im Insomniac
  20. Who the fuck is EPK?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21