Conversation Between Justin and Diminished

24 Visitor Messages

  1. What happened to the magazine bro?
  2. Thread has been closed
  3. Thanks Man
  4. Congratz on minion buddy! Have fun
  5. Yea, it's working now!
  6. I just received your mention though? maybe it there's problems with the plugin
  7. Mentions aren't working right?
  8. No problem bro!
  9. Everytime I forget to get it for you man, I Promise I'll get it to you by the end of the night, cause I'm at College at the moment.
  10. Yo, did you get the thing?
  11. Yea, that code was from the Founders Card in the box, I'll give you the other code from the book when I'm home next, which should be in the next few hours or so, sorry about the inconvenience man.
  12. Hey man, I tried it, it didn't work...It said I need to redeem a code in the PSN Store. Did any other code come in with the Hardened Edition? It should be 15 characters.
  13. Thanks man!
    So, what do you want for it?
  14. Alright Bro, It should be in your Inbox within the next few hours or whenever you read this.
  15. I'll take it, but you have to take something from me atleast.
  16. Yeah Man, I'm serious. Only I can't access my PayPal account or anything cause I somehow don't exist on their servers but whatever you wanna do man it's upto you cause I'm set to send the code to you anytime
  17. Yo, are you serious? If you don't really need it, I'll take it! But, for a price atleast. Not free
  18. My PSN's are Xion7200 and R-E-V-I-V-E
  19. What's your PSN?
  20. Indeed I Did, Will be on from time to time though
  21. you had a big vacation from MPGH
  22. Why you so inactive
  23. What happend?
  24. Close this:

    Anyways, we miss you, where are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24