Conversation Between Scrcrw and Ryguy

16 Visitor Messages

  1. They wanted me in the minion section for stuff and they had to make it so minion was over GFX. Basically I think like rankwise GFX was higher than minion so my gfx tag was on top of it. hard to explain i guess.
  2. wats up with the green name, mean u more minion than gfx?
  3. Just pm me with all the details you want and such. All the rules and ill do it.
  4. im too late, i cant edit anymore
    and its fine
    just need people to sign up in pairs, more details in later threads
  5. rewrite the rules to how you want them and then ill sticky it.
  6. yo bro
    can u sticky this-

    close this-

    and probs close ur one aswell
  7. it wont work out
    skp wants to be with jason
    im with james, nuff said
    i told u if u tried random it wouldnt work, now u will see the effects
  8. already posted the teams. if it doesnt work out things will change
  9. dude screw random teams, all of us have chosen who we are working with
    plus that way i dont have to work with some retard who forces me to do a mitch
  10. hardly, the kid said he'd report me
    u shoulda seen some of my old fights
  11. it was getting out of hand
  12. why did u have to close that
    i was enjoying making the 12 year old cry
  13. Follow the rules and there wont be a problem. I'm here to make sure the section stays clean, or there wont be a section.
  14. i know wat ur minion of
    doesnt mean that being liz's favourite didnt help you secure the position
  15. Im a minion of the gfx section. That's not the only reason.
  16. u just came back and u gfx/minion
    gues being liz's favourite has advantages
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16