Conversation Between why06 and Czar

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol. Officially creeped out!
  2. I have accounts everywhere, be afraid. Also, thats my backup.
  3. thx u 2 czar
  4. .
  5. Meh it won't let me call myself Programming Mod Normally, so this is what I'm stuck with. =/
  6. leet speak is never cool.
  7. Lol..
    You're probably right.

    I'll try again at a later date.
  8. lmao. Haha I doubt we share the same taste in women. ;P
  9. "FYI: I'm not attracted to this girl in anyway. =/"
    Now ima have to figure out what you like.
  10. Meh, I guess..
    minion twice, cs twice, mod once, tm once..
    First joined in 07.

  11. Hmmm... yeh that's sorta confusing. =/
    You've been around here for a long time huh?
  12. She found somebody with the same name working in a similar career field as her and thought it was funny. (if I remember correctly)
  13. What really o_O? (Im so out of the loop)
  14. Liz doesn't actually work for AOL y'know.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15