Conversation Between Asians and Jimmy

12 Visitor Messages

  1. mmk watever u need to do lol
  2. Because I want to be double elite.
  3. so why arent u on Dead Brooks Bones instead of asians
  4. No .
  5. banned agian DBB?
  6. You don't know DBB? Lmao you live in a cave?
  7. lol u barley post and you have so much resepct and btw im asian 2 (viet)
  8. Well, no problem.
  9. good to know
  10. Hyak you are not known.
    I'm known! I'm nearly as known as Dave. :@
  11. hehehe ive been only in the CA section my whole time but im jimmy
  12. Why do you have over 1337 and why have I NEVER heard of you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12