Conversation Between matypatty and crex

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah
    I think you, flameswor10 were the most influential coders for CA back then for me. I y'all deserve recognition.
    I think no one remembers anymore haha but I do. Got me banned real good LOL. Twas' good over jumping and flying while holding the space bar for auto on hacks.
  2. Thanks man! Its really nice to look around and see some of the original members here from back in the day. Too bad they didn't let me keep my contributor status!
  3. I just want to say, you're one of the most influential coders on mpgh and I'd like to thank you for being the root of the MPGH Combat Arms section. Without your auto-on hacks, I would have never been able to receive my dishonorable discharge on my main. :') Thanks bud

    Thrownback to 2008.
  4. Matypatty <3
  5. You never seem to stop inspiring me. I have been using your hacks since the auto updating hotkey hack. I respect you highly. Keep up the good work and never leave mpgh plox.
  6. Hey matypatty.
    I am ur biggest fan.
    I used to use your auto on and auto patch hack and loader and then my 2lt got ban almost 1 year and 1/2 ago D:
  7. i recommend Crossfire
    second top hack section or AVA.
  8. late reply's
    rofl those were the days of just fly hacks, now its everyone has aimbot and sbullets. -_-
    i was considering hacking for another game. any ideas?
  9. mattypatty, i juwst noticed u still are on mpgh. Well, just to tell u, Im one of ur biggest fans on mpgh. I used to use ur auto patcher hack with the loader and i hacked on my 2lt and the hack had fly hacks which u hold space, and now, i got ban cuz some dude recorded my in spy hunt and i accidentally help the space too long when i was spy and it showed i fly hacked xD
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