Conversation Between Scruffy and Alen

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Now that sounds far more reasonable
  2. it isnt the academics that take up my time... lol
  3. If you say so, I manage to study for my finals and browse sites at the same time just fine
  4. in college bro. dont have any time to be on a hacking forum lol
  5. Long time no see.
  7. lol'd @ flash's post.

  8. Nothing, just felt this sudden urge to mock MPGH's members' stupidity
  9. what are you talking about?
  11. Cheers
  12. its in the shop. you buy it with points.

    just do a survay and thatll be enough points. lol
  13. Where would one find a name change in PB? Just askin' cause I never got further than getting myself an AR and killing people with it.
  14. I dunno, bro. I still think there are several other worthy people.

    Thank you, though. I appreciate it.
  15. Err Dave said (I think it was a few days ago) that you would get it if you managed to keep up your activity. Dunno if anything changed when I went inactive for a day and a half, but I still think you're the guy who deserves it
  16. Nah, there are plenty of others who have better chances at the TM spot.
    Would be pretty nice to have it, though.
  17. You're like the prime candidate for the "free TM spot" as long as you keep your activity up or something. Dunno what happens now that you got a staff spot but I don't doubt you'll end up getting it.
  18. lol wuuuuuuut
  19. Gratz on minion lol ... and gratz on TM in a week or two

    Leave me a VM when you get mod & gmod
  20. im not really back, just wanted to ask someone a question and happened to make a post or two.
    and who are you?
  21. Welcome back
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21